This reference application showcases the integration of CometChat's iOS UI Kit within an iOS framework. It provides developers with examples of implementing real-time messaging and voice and video calling features in their iOS-based applications.
App ID
, Region
, and Auth Key
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd cometchat-sample-app-ios/CometChatSwift
Install dependencies:
pod install
If you're facing any issues while installing pods then use the below command.
pod install --repo-update
In Xcode, open the project by opening cometchat-sample-app-ios/CometChatSwift.xcworkspace
Enter your CometChat App ID
, Region
, and Auth Key
in the CometChatSwift/AppConstants.swift file:
Lines 9 to 13 in 056b60f
If your app is created before August 12th, 2024 then change the sample data URL to
in the CometChatSwift/Controllers/Login.swift file:
Lines 109 to 111 in 056b60f
Run the app on a device or emulator.
For issues running the project or integrating with our UI Kits, consult our documentation or create a support ticket or seek real-time support via the CometChat Dashboard.