This project is a desktop-like WeChat chat project built by the author, Brother Fu, using technology stacks
, etc. to implement core communication functions. If this project can help you, please support it (follow, like, share)!
Author: Xiao Fu, Java Developer, CSDN Blog Expert, Wormhole Technology Stack
Learning links:
A chicken drumstick?
This project is a UI developed using JavaFx. Our UI provides a login frame and a chat frame. At the same time, there are a large number of behavioral interaction interfaces, interfaces and events in the chat frame. Finally, my UI side uses Maven packaging to provide Jar packages to the outside world, so as to achieve the separation of UI interface and business behavior process. And users can easily expand under our framework.
< dependency >
< groupId >org.itstack</ groupId >
< artifactId >itstack-naive-chat-ui</ artifactId >
< version >1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</ version >
</ dependency >
serial number | method name | describe |
1 | void doShow() | Open login window |
2 | void doLoginError() | Login failure reminder |
3 | void doLoginSuccess() | Login successful; jump to the chat window (close the login window and open a new window) |
serial number | event name | describe |
1 | void doLoginCheck(String userId, String userPassword) | Login verification |
serial number | Interface name | describe |
1 | void doShow() | open window |
2 | void setUserInfo(String userId, String userNickName, String userHead) | Set login user ID, nickname, and avatar |
3 | void addTalkBox(int talkIdx, Integer talkType, String talkId, String talkName, String talkHead, String talkSketch, Date talkDate, Boolean selected) | Populate dialog list |
4 | void addTalkMsgUserLeft(String talkId, String msg, Date msgData, Boolean idxFirst, Boolean selected, Boolean isRemind) | Fill dialog box message-Friends [other people's messages] |
5 | void addTalkMsgGroupLeft(String talkId, String userId, String userNickName, String userHead, String msg, Date msgDate, Boolean idxFirst, Boolean selected, Boolean isRemind) | Fill dialog box message-group [other people's messages] |
6 | void addTalkMsgRight(String talkId, String msg, Date msgData, Boolean idxFirst, Boolean selected, Boolean isRemind) | Populate dialog message [own message] |
7 | void addFriendGroup(String groupId, String groupName, String groupHead) | Add 'group' to friends list |
8 | void addFriendUser(boolean selected, String userId, String userNickName, String userHead) | Add 'user' to friends list |
9 | void addLuckFriend(String userId, String userNickName, String userHead, Integer status) | Fate friends (add 10 friends by default) |
serial number | event name | describe |
1 | void doQuit() | Chat window exit operation |
2 | void doSendMsg(String userId, String talkId, Integer talkType, String msg, Date msgDate) | Send message button |
3 | void doEventAddTalkUser(String userId, String userFriendId) | Event processing; enable sending messages with friends [triggered when you click to send a message -> add to dialog box, select, display conversation list] |
4 | void doEventAddTalkGroup(String userId, String groupId) | Event handling; enable sending messages to groups |
5 | void doEventDelTalkUser(String userId, String talkId) | Event handling; delete the specified dialog box |
6 | void addFriendLuck(String userId, ListView listView) | Event processing; Query the predestined users to add to the list |
7 | void doFriendLuckSearch(String userId, String text) | Event processing; Friend search [Add after search result call: addLuckFriend] |
8 | void doEventAddLuckUser(String userId, String friendId) | Add friend event |
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