Download PDF: 2022_C00C00R00CON_jailbreak.pdf
Without a JailBreak
With ptrace (lldb / frida) → app needs the get-task-allow entitlement
By injecting frida code → app needs to be repackaged
In both case, you need to resign the application
but it has a lot of side effects:
Different Team ID
Files are modified
With a JailBreak
Jailbreak detection mechanisms are added to reverse engineering defense to make running the app on a jailbroken device more difficult. This blocks some of the tools and techniques reverse engineers like to use. Like most other types of defense, jailbreak detection is not very effective by itself, but scattering checks throughout the app's source code can improve the effectiveness of the overall anti-tampering scheme.
The enterprise security risks posed by jailbreaking compound in the face of tools that can help users easily evade common jailbreak detection methods. A user can download any app tweak like Spotify++ directly from the third-party app store Cydia. A lot of applications provide jailbreak detection, as do many media and financial service apps that want to limit content pirating and account compromise, respectively. Unfortunately, these jailbreak detections rely on a combination of relatively straightforward and evadable tests, such as:
The fundamental limitation with these and comparable detection tests is that as client-side tests they can be accessed, reverse-engineered, and evaded by attackers. In addition, the apps performing these jailbreak detection tests (e.g. the MDM app) must go through Apple’s app review process, limiting the scope of data they can collect to analyse a device’s jailbreak status. Let's take a quick look at them:
Check for files and directories typically associated with jailbreaks, such as:
//suspicious system and app paths to check
private static var suspicousAppandSystemPaths: [String] {
return [
Most often, these are checked using the
path method in NSFileManager or FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path)
. However, there are also applications that use lower-level C functions like fopen(), stat(), or access().
Another way to check for jailbreaking mechanisms is to try to write to a location that's outside the application's sandbox. You can do this by having the application attempt to create a file in, for example, the /private
directory. If the file is created successfully, the device has been jailbroken.
This method consists of checking the permissions of specific files and directories on the system. More directories have write access on a jailbroken device than on a non compromised one. One example of this is the root partition, which originally has only read permission. If it is found it has read and write permissions it means the device is jailbroken. There are different ways of performing these checks such as using NSFileManager and C functions like statfs().
do {
let pathToFileInRestrictedDirectory = "/private/jailbreak.txt"
try "This is a test.".write(toFile: pathToFileInRestrictedDirectory, atomically: true, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: pathToFileInRestrictedDirectory)
// Device is jailbroken
} catch {
// Device is not jailbroken
NSError *error;
NSString *stringToBeWritten = @"This is a test.";
[stringToBeWritten writeToFile:@"/private/jailbreak.txt" atomically:YES
encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
if (error == nil) {
// Device is jailbroken
return YES;
} else {
// Device is not jailbroken
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:@"/private/jailbreak.txt" error:nil];
There are different ways of performing these checks such as using NSFileManager and C functions like statfs(), open(), utimes(), stat(), pathconf(), stat64(), fopen().
You can check protocol handlers by attempting to open a Cydia URL. The Cydia app store, which practically every jailbreaking tool installs by default, installs the cydia:// protocol handler.
if let url = URL(string: "cydia://package/com.example.package"), UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
// Device is jailbroken
if([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"cydia://package/com.example.package"]]){
// Device is jailbroken
This simple checks can be accessed, reverse-engineered, and evaded by attackers.
void try_kill() {
const int pid = getpid();
int ret = kill(pid, 0);
According to the man page of kill (man 2 kill
), the signal 0
is used to check that the pid
given in the first parameter really exists.
[…] A value of 0, however, will cause error checking to be performed (with no signal being sent). This can be used to check the validity of pid.
This kill operation is followed by PTRACE
inline bool ptrace_detect() {
int32_t opt[4] = {
kinfo_proc info;
sysctl(opt, 4, &info, sizeof(kinfo_proc), nullptr, 0);
return info.kp_proc.p_flag & P_TRACED;
getppid() == 1
getfsstat64(), statvfs()
We can check the integrity of the signature of our binary. This check starts by opening the main app binary from the disk, seek till kSecCodeMagicEmbeddedSignature sequence 0xfade0cc0
, read the entitlements and calculate the checksum.
The code signing segment contains a superblob structure, which itself contains other blobs of different types. The structure of both is defined in some more open-source Apple code:
* Structure of an embedded-signature SuperBlob
typedef struct __BlobIndex {
uint32_t type; /* type of entry */
uint32_t offset; /* offset of entry */
} CS_BlobIndex;
typedef struct __SuperBlob {
uint32_t magic; /* magic number */
uint32_t length; /* total length of SuperBlob */
uint32_t count; /* number of index entries following */
CS_BlobIndex index[]; /* (count) entries */
/* followed by Blobs in no particular order as indicated by offsets in index */
} CS_SuperBlob;
The super blob just contains some magic, the length of the whole code signing section, a count of the blobs, and an array of indices to those blobs. The different identifying blob magics are defined in this file:
* Magic numbers used by Code Signing
enum {
kSecCodeMagicRequirement = 0xfade0c00, /* single requirement */
kSecCodeMagicRequirementSet = 0xfade0c01, /* requirement set */
kSecCodeMagicCodeDirectory = 0xfade0c02, /* CodeDirectory */
kSecCodeMagicEmbeddedSignature = 0xfade0cc0, /* single-architecture embedded signature */
kSecCodeMagicDetachedSignature = 0xfade0cc1, /* detached multi-architecture signature */
kSecCodeMagicEntitlement = 0xfade7171, /* entitlement blob */
For example, the iOS ps
binary has four blobs of content following the initial superblob:
These are, respectively:
), which you can spot as it has the qualified binary name
in it.0xfade0c01
).Try to halt the app after a big timeout and do not exit directly from the jailbreak detection place.
Process forking. Sandboxd does not deny applications the ability to use fork(), popen(), or any other C functions to create child processes on jailbroken devices. However, sandboxd explicitly denies process forking on non jailbroken devices. Therefore, by checking the returned pid on fork(), an application can tell if a device is compromised. If the fork is successful, the app can deduce that it is running on a jailbroken device.
Calling the system() function with a NULL argument on a non-jailbroken device will return 0. Doing the same on a jailbroken device will return 1. This is because the function will check whether /bin/sh exists, and it only exists on jailbroken devices.
SSH loopback connections. Due to the very large portion of jailbroken devices that have OpenSSH installed, some applications attempt to make a connection to on port 22. If the connection succeeds, it means OpenSSH is installed and running, which proves the device is jailbroken.
Check loopback for 22 (OpenSSH) and 44 (checkra1n) opened ports.
This detection method starts with calling functions like _dyld_image_count()
and _dyld_get_image_name()
to see what dylibs are currently loaded. This method is very difficult to dynamically patch due to the fact that the patches themselves are part of dylibs.
for example
Can use dlopen / memory scanning / dyld internal structures etc.
private static func checkDYLD() -> Bool {
let suspiciousLibraries = [
for libraryIndex in 0..<_dyld_image_count() {
guard let loadedLibrary = String(validatingUTF8: _dyld_get_image_name(libraryIndex)) else { continue }
for suspiciousLibrary in suspiciousLibraries {
if loadedLibrary.lowercased().contains(suspiciousLibrary.lowercased()) {
return true
return false
Check code integrity
Try to detect frida
private static func isFridaRunning() -> Bool {
func swapBytesIfNeeded(port: in_port_t) -> in_port_t {
let littleEndian = Int(OSHostByteOrder()) == OSLittleEndian
return littleEndian ? _OSSwapInt16(port) : port
var serverAddress = sockaddr_in()
serverAddress.sin_family = sa_family_t(AF_INET)
serverAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("")
serverAddress.sin_port = swapBytesIfNeeded(port: in_port_t(27042))
let sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
let result = withUnsafePointer(to: &serverAddress) {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: sockaddr.self, capacity: 1) {
connect(sock, $0, socklen_t(MemoryLayout<sockaddr_in>.stride))
if result != -1 {
return true
return false
In general, the more complicated the jailbreak detection is, the more difficult it is to detect and bypass. The most common mistake when implementing jailbreak detection often lies in the implementation itself.
We often come across apps that have great jailbreak detection, but the implementation is in one function that returns true or false depending on whether the device is jailbroken. In these cases, we bypass jailbreak detection by using Cycript or a similar tool to invert the return value from the detection function.
In practice, the best jailbreak detection combining multiple techniques and integrating them into other functions so that they cannot easily be bypassed.