simple udp proxy for testing only
This tool requires libevent.
Install libevent as a shared library using either your package manager of choice or download the sources from their site and install with their directions.
In the udp-proxy source directory build by:
$ gcc -Wall udp_proxy.c -o udp_proxy -levent
It should be ready to run.
Download the sources and extract them into your project directory. Both libevent and the udp_proxy sources at the same level in your project directory:
-> libevent
-> udp_proxy
Libevent normally names its source directory with the version number, rename it as "libevent". It uses an nmake Makefile to build, which requires using the command line. Open the appropriate command line shell from the Visual Studio directory in the Start menu, depending on 32-bit or 64-bit builds. Change directories into the libevent directory and run:
...Projectlibevent> nmake /f Makefile.nmake
This should build the library.
Open the solution file, udp_proxy.sln. Select either Win32 for 32-bit or x64
for 64-bit builds. You can do a debug or release build. The solution references
the libevent headers and libraries assuming they are in a directory named
as the same level as udp_proxy
From the udp_proxy directory:
$ ./udp_proxy -p 12345 -s
For use with wolfSSL example server with client talking to proxy on port 12345:
$ ./examples/server/server -u
$ ./examples/client/client -u -p 12345
Under Windows, you don't need all the path information, run each how you normally would.