STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) is a simple protocol. A STUN implementation should be simple too.
ministun is a zero dependency STUN server for Node.js. It implements "Basic Server Behavior" as defined by section 13 of RFC 5389, including backwards compatibility with RFC 3489.
Node.js >= 12.14.0
npm i ministun
const Ministun = require("ministun");
const config = {
udp4: true,
udp6: true,
port: 3478,
log: console.log,
err: console.err,
sw: true
const server = new Ministun(config);
async function startServer() {
await server.start();
async function stopServer() {
await server.stop();
udp4: bool (Default: true
Support UDP over IPv4?
udp6: bool (Default: true
Support UDP over IPv6?
port: number (Default: 3478
Port number
log: function || null (Default: console.log
Log messages will be passed to this function as arg 0, null = no message logging
err: function || null (Default: console.err
Error messages will be passed to this function as arg 0, null = no error logging
sw: bool (Default: true
Send the SOFTWARE attribute with response messages?
Better test coverage