GUI for move and controll laser-bot
- C++ language
- Qt + opencascade
- qmake build system
- Add CSF_OCCTIncludePath - path to opencascade include files; example: /usr/include/opencascade
- Add CSF_OCCTLibPath - path to opencascade lib files; example: /usr/lib
- Add EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIRS - path to eigen3 includes (libeigen3-dev.deb in Debian) example: /usr/include/eigen3
General interface requirements
- The interface should have three modes:
- editing a task;
- processing of the part (laser on the robot);
- processing of the part (the laser is stationary);
- By default, the task editing mode is launched.
- Upon completion of processing or when it is forced to stop, the interface switches to editing mode.
- To control the processing process, the interface should have buttons:
- transition to processing modes (“Start 1”, “Start 2”);
- pausing the processing process (“Pause”);
- stopping the processing mode and returning to the editing mode (“Stop”).
In the JOB EDIT mode, the following functions are available in the interface:
- Displaying a part model (loaded from a file)
- Disabled display of the equipment model (the file is specified in the settings).
- Display equipment on/off with a flag in the settings.
- Setting the relative position of the part and the equipment:
- from the keyboard, by setting the offset and rotation values.
- using the mouse.
- Arrangement of “anchor points”:
- Each anchor point has the following displayed in a separate window:
- model coordinates;
- world coordinates of the robot (XYZ).
- Recording the robot's current coordinates to the selected anchor point.
- Resetting the robot's world coordinates at the anchor point.
- Anchor points with established coordinates must be marked when displayed on the 3D scene.
- Arrangement of “processing points”:
- Each processing point has the following displayed in a separate window:
- model coordinates;
- beam direction in the form of three angles;
- file name for the laser control program (MaxiGraf);
- delay at point [ms].
- When creating a processing point, the direction is determined by the normal to the model surface.
- Optional installation of one “grip point” with the ability to remove it.
In PROCESSING modes the following functions are available in the interface:
- Display models of parts and equipment (if enabled).
- Display the model of the tool (laser head or gripper) according to the actual position.
- Indication of laser operation.
- Possibility to adjust the orientation and starting point of the laser beam.
- Displays a message indicating that the processing process is complete.