ScriptCommunicator is a scriptable cross-platform data terminal that supports serial port (RS232, USB to serial), UDP, TCP client/server, SPI, I2C, and CAN.
All sent and received data can be shown in a console and can be logged in an html and a text log.
In addition to the simple sending and receiving of data, ScriptCommunicator has a JavaScript interface.
This script interface has the following features:
- Scripts can send and receive data with the main interface.
- In addition to the main interface scripts can create and use their own interfaces (serial port (RS232, USB to serial), UDP, TCP client, TCP server, PCAN, and SPI/I2C).
- Scripts can use their own GUI (GUI files which have been created with QtDesigner (is included) or QtCreator).
- Multiple plot windows can be created by scripts (QCustomPlot developed by Emanuel Eichhammer is used)
- seriel port (RS232, USB to serial)
- TCP client/server (network proxy support for TCP clients)
- SPI (Aardvark I2C/SPI)
- I2C (Aardvark I2C/SPI)
- CAN (PCAN-USB, only on windows)
- utf8, hexadecimal, decimal, binary and mixed console
- html and text log
- script interface (JavaScript)->run automated test jobs, automatic device configuration scripts...
- use ui files (user interface created with QtDesigner (is included) or QtCreator) from script->building test GUIs, control GUIs...
- plotting data via script and export the generated graphs to file (png, jpg, bmp, pdf and csv)->e.g. to visualize a PID controller or a heater
- multi user and multi workspace support
main window
dark mode
example script GUI
Downloads (release 06.08)
- Windows
- Linux 64 bit
- MacOS
- Source