This package was designed as a generic package to assist with interfacing ROS with the UDP transport layer. It provides ROS Services for creating sockets, sending and receiving UDP data.
Supported platforms/releases:
Platform | ROS Release |
Ubuntu 16.04 Bionic | ROS Kinetic |
Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic | ROS Melodic |
Ubuntu 20.04 Bionic | ROS Noetic |
Make sure you have one of the above ROS distributions installed on your system.
Install like any other ROS package:
sudo apt-get install ros-<your-distro>-udp-com
There are two ways of utlizing this package:
roslaunch udp_com udp_com.launch
In either case, the udp_com package provides ROS services for interfacing with the UDP transport layer:
Please review the source code documentation for more details on how the project is structured.
For anyone already familiar with ROS, please see how this package is utilized and implemented in the hfl_driver package.
First, make sure your using the targeted platform and releases listed above.
Go ahead and clone this repo into your catkin_ws
git clone
Next, from your catkin_ws
directory compile the source code:
After successful compilation source your newly generated workspace:
source /path/to/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
And now you should be able to run the udp_com
launch file:
roslaunch udp_com udp_com.launch
We are currently working towards open-sourcing a ROS2 version of this driver with the same functionality. Star or watch this repo to stay updated on future releases.