Get open sound control (osc) message over WIFI on ESP12 and transmit to Axoloti DSP through serial gpio (PA3/PA2)
Wiring :
ESP RX <-> TX PA3 Axoloti
ESP TX <-> RX PA2 Axoloti
ESP 3v3 <-> VDD (any) Axoloti
ESP Gnd <-> GND (any) Axoloti
required :
*ESP 12 board (nodemcu, wemos, ESPino...) or ESP32
*Axoloti core board (stand alone digital sound processor)
*arduino IDE with esp8266 board manager installed
*OSC arduino library
*offline router (optional if use accesPoint mode)
*OSC controller (lemur, TouchOSC...) ---
Wiring diagram :
° AXOLOTI_RECEPTEUR_ESP12_OSC.ino is the sketch of ESP12 to load from Arduino ide. Set your SSID and PassWord in the header of sketch ("NULL" in wifi.begin if no password set on router).
° osc.axo is the objet to run in axoloti software to parse serial data from ESP12
-> Connect controller to wifi and localPort : 8000, send float OSC messages adresses : /axo1 , /axo2 ... /axo16
-> Float 32bit osc message are converted to kRate signal in axoloti (27 bits) give 0-64 floating point.
-> Use other axoloti objects to scale your control (uni to bipolar, mult, div, curve...)