This is based on "Amazon Cost Comparison" from Kansas State:
Note that no consideration is given to CPU speeds and/or hyperthreading. Corase resource usage (CPU-count, RAM, GPUs) is all that is considered. If you have reason to believe that there is a consistent scalefactor between your cluster and AWS (e.g., ratio of CPU clock speeds, consistent performance effect due to hyperthreading) you will need to scale the cost estimate accordingly.
Note that this makes no assumptions about how you make python3 and its modules available. You are free to use virtual environments, environment modules, host-installed, etc.
All of the python scripts accept CLI arguments. Pass the -h
flag to them to get a list of available arguments for each script.
. This will prompt for mysql usernames and passwords in order to setup the database environment. You need to know the MYSQL admin password for this
. This script may be run at any time to update AWS pricing information to be used in cost calculations. To display the current pricing values, run
. This script must be run in order for more-recent jobs to be imported into the database.
.Separate from the AWS computation cost, you can get rough storage cost estimates using
. This script simply shows
AWS storage costs for various storage services (EBS, S3, Glacier) for several filesystems, both for the currently-used storage quantity as well as
the fileystems' maximum capacity.
Information about the MySQL database tables can be found in mysql-prereqs.txt.