The akheron
tool is written in python and designed to help lend visibility to UART inter-chip communications and aid in understanding, reversing, and manipulating those communications to discern device functionality (both intended and unintended). It does this by supporting several modes of operation:
Inter-chip communication via UART is still a common design choice found in many devices, and it looks something like this:
+------------+ +------------+
| TXD +-------------------------->+ RXD |
| CHIP A | | CHIP B |
| RXD +<--------------------------+ TXD |
+------------+ +------------+
In this example, chip A sends data to chip B by sending data out chip A's transmit (TX) pin and chip B receives that incoming data on its receive (RX) pin. Chip B sends data out its transmit (TX) pin to be received by chip A on chip A's receive (RX) pin.
But what exactly are they sending back and forth between each other?
If we make ourselves a physical machine-in-the-middle, we can find out!
The akheron
tool is designed to be run on a system with two serial ports (USB-to-serial adapters are fine, so long as the OS of the system supports them), acting as a proxy for sending traffic between those two ports. Something like this:
^ + ^ +
| v | v
| |TXD1 RXD1| |TXD2 RXD2| |
| +---------+ +---------+ |
| UART 1 UART 2 |
| |
| Machine-in-the-Middle |
| (running Akheron Proxy) |
| |
If we physically cut the communication traces between chip A and chip B and then route them to our machine-in-the-middle's serial ports, we'll be able to see what those chips are sending each other over their UART communications with akheron
+------------+ +------------+
| TXD +--------+ +------->+ RXD |
| CHIP A | | | | CHIP B |
| RXD +<-+ | | +--+ TXD |
+------------+ | | | | +------------+
| | | |
| v | v
| |TXD1 RXD1| |TXD2 RXD2| |
| +---------+ +---------+ |
| UART 1 UART 2 |
| |
| Machine-in-the-Middle |
| (running Akheron Proxy) |
| |
With a setup as such, akheron
is ready for use!
version 0.1 is the first iteration on this effort and born of proof-of-concept code. It is a command-line tool, using a standard REPL for interaction.
The akheron
tool requires Python 3.6 or later, and uses the pyserial
library for interfacing with the system's serial ports. It was tested on both macOS 10.15 and Ubuntu 18.04.
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can start akheron
from a terminal window in the top-level directory of the repo:
On many systems, access to serial devices is restricted. To avoid running akheron
with elevated privileges, ensure that your user account belongs to the same group as the device you wish to use. On Linux, the serial device is likely a member of the dialout
group. Adding your user account to that group (e.g. sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
) should allow you to access the device. In order for you to see the changes, you may need to logout and log back in to your account, or possibly reboot the system.
Once running, you'll see a banner and a >
$ ./
Akheron Proxy, UART proxy tool for inter-chip analysis
version 0.1
A number of commands are available at this prompt, which you can access by typing help
> help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
capturedump checksumget delimset portget replaceset stop
capturestart checksumset help portset replay watch
capturestop delimget list replaceget start
Undocumented commands:
exit quit version
You can get more help about a specific command by typing help <command>
> list
You can also get a verbose listing:
> list -v
desc: ttyS0
hwid: PNP0501
desc: Quad RS232-HS
hwid: USB VID:PID=0403:6011 LOCATION=1-1:1.0
desc: Quad RS232-HS
hwid: USB VID:PID=0403:6011 LOCATION=1-1:1.1
desc: Quad RS232-HS
hwid: USB VID:PID=0403:6011 LOCATION=1-1:1.2
desc: Quad RS232-HS
hwid: USB VID:PID=0403:6011 LOCATION=1-1:1.3
The following steps will forward traffic between ports, 'watch' it, then stop traffic forwarding:
> portset A /dev/ttyUSB1 115200
> portset B /dev/ttyUSB2 115200
> start
Data now PASSING between ports "/dev/ttyUSB1" <-> "/dev/ttyUSB2"...
> watch
Watching data passed between ports. Press CTRL-C to stop...
A -> B: 0x61 0x61 0x73 0x73 0x64 0x64
B -> A: 0x31 0x32 0x33 ^C
Watch mode exited.
> stop
Data now BLOCKED between ports "/dev/ttyUSB1" <-> "/dev/ttyUSB2".
This is the same flow, but with a start-of-message delimiter of 0x37
> portset A /dev/ttyUSB1 115200
> portset B /dev/ttyUSB2 115200
> delimset start 0x37
> start
Data now PASSING between ports "/dev/ttyUSB1" <-> "/dev/ttyUSB2"...
> watch
Watching data passed between ports. Press CTRL-C to stop...
A -> B: 0x37 0x71 0x77 0x65 0x65 0x72
0x37 0x64 0x66 0x61 0x64
0x37 0x73
0x37 0x68 0x68
B -> A: 0x37 0x6e 0x6d 0x62
0x37 0x69 0x69
A -> B: 0x37 0x61 0x73 0x64 ^C
Watch mode exited.
> stop
Data now BLOCKED between ports "/dev/ttyUSB1" <-> "/dev/ttyUSB2".
The following steps will forward traffic between ports, capture it to a file, watch it, then stop and dump capture contents, and then stop traffic forwarding:
> portset A /dev/ttyUSB1 115200
> portset B /dev/ttyUSB2 115200
> start
Data now PASSING between ports "/dev/ttyUSB1" <-> "/dev/ttyUSB2"...
> capturestart mycap.out
Saving captured traffic to "mycap.out"...
> watch
Watching data passed between ports. Press CTRL-C to stop...
A -> B: 0x31 0x32 0x33
B -> A: 0x33 0x32 0x31
A -> B: 0x20 0x20 0x20
B -> A: 0x36 0x36 0x37 0x38 0x39 ^C
Watch mode exited.
> capturestop
Capture stopped
> capturedump mycap.out
1: A -> B: 0x31 0x32 0x33
2: B -> A: 0x33 0x32 0x31
3: A -> B: 0x20 0x20 0x20
4: B -> A: 0x36 0x36 0x37 0x38 0x39
> stop
Data now BLOCKED between ports "/dev/ttyUSB1" <-> "/dev/ttyUSB2".
The following steps show forwarding traffic between ports with replay of data (in this example, a capture file that contains a single line) in this sequence:
0x64 0x61
sequences with 0x99 0x91
and replay (note the substituted data in the output)Checksum8Modulo256Plus1
of the preceding bytes and replay> portset A /dev/ttyUSB1 115200
> portset B /dev/ttyUSB2 115200
> start
Data now PASSING between ports "/dev/ttyUSB1" <-> "/dev/ttyUSB2"...
> replay /tmp/aaa
Replaying data from A -> B, press CTRL-C to exit watch mode...
A -> B: 0x61 0x73 0x64 0x61 0x73 0x64 ^C
Watch mode exited.
> replaceset A 0x64 0x61 -> 0x99 0x91
> replaceget
Replace port A pattern X -> pattern Y:
0x64 0x61 -> 0x99 0x91
Replace port B pattern X -> pattern Y:
> replay /tmp/aaa
Replaying data from A -> B, press CTRL-C to exit watch mode...
A -> B: 0x61 0x73 0x99 0x91 0x73 0x64 ^C
Watch mode exited.
> checksumset A 3
> checksumget
Replace on port A using checksum 'Checksum8Modulo256Plus1'
No replace checksum specified on port B
> replay /tmp/aaa
Replaying data from A -> B, press CTRL-C to exit watch mode...
A -> B: 0x61 0x73 0x99 0x91 0x73 0x72 ^C
Watch mode exited.
> stop
Data now BLOCKED between ports "/dev/ttyUSB1" <-> "/dev/ttyUSB2".