All installation methods
Weather data
Feels like
UV index
Dew point
Atmospheric pressure
Cloud cover
Humidity / Dew point
Cloud cover
Air quality
UV index
Feels like temperature
Daily and hourly forecasts up to 16 days
Hourly forecasts
Precipitation in the next hour
Air quality
Pollen & Mold
Ephemeris (Sun & Moon)
Severe weather and precipitation alerts
Real-time weather conditions
MET Norway
Pirate Weather (no API key provided)
HERE (no API key provided)
Météo France
Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut (DMI)
Servizio Meteorologico dell’Aeronautica Militare (Meteo AM)
Mixed China sources
National Weather Service (NWS)
Bright Sky (DWD)
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Central Weather Administration (CMA), Taiwan
Israel Meteorological Service (IMS)
MET Éireann
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Severe Weather
Large selection of home screen widgets for at-a-glance information
Live wallpaper
Custom icon packs
Geometric Weather icon packs
Chronus Weather icon packs
Automatic dark mode
No proprietary blobs/dependencies
Releases generated by GitHub actions, guaranteeing it matches the source code
Fully works with Open-Meteo (FOSS source)
No personal data collected by the app (link to app privacy policy)
Multiple sources are available, with links to their privacy policies for transparency
Current location is optional and not added by default
If using current location, an IP location service can be used instead of GPS to send less accurate coordinates to weather source
No trackers/automatic crash reporters
Frequently Asked Questions / Help
Homepage explanations
Weather sources comparison
Pull requests are welcome. You can have a look at issues opened to contributions. For other changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Contribution guide (includes a guide to create a new weather source)
#14, #252 - New 24-hour fitting charts
#10 - “Add location” page needs a new design, in the spirit of Google Maps where you can select location points on the map, or search manually - No mockup done yet
#937 - Widget overhaul (prerequisite for any new widget improvement) - Some mockups were done but no one is working on it anymore
Paid-only sources, too limited free-tier, or free-tier that requires privacy-invasive information (credit card info, phone number, etc)
Radar; please check out this document for alternatives
Adding standard
flavor or non-free sources to the F-Droid default repo: please use the standard
flavor from a different store/source instead
Changes to the background updates process, including but not limited: options for refreshing less than every 30 minutes, every time you open the app, every time you tap on widget, every time you unlock your phone
“Circular sky” interface: please set a fixed background per location instead
Publish to Google Play Store: please check alternatives
Allow different flavors to be installed in parallel
Implement features that are no longer available in latest Android versions
Backport features/fixes from latest Android versions to older Android versions
Donations: if you have extra money to spare, consider donating to Open-Meteo to support infrastructure costs and future developments (we currently lack a libre and gratis worldwide alternative for the following features: Reverse geocoding, Alerts, Normals)
Translation is done externally on Weblate. Please read carefully project instructions if you want to help.
English (and regional variants) and French translations are maintained by repo maintainers, but they are open to proofreading/improvements. You will need to make a pull request, as we didn’t find a way to make these languages in suggestion-only mode in Weblate (let us know if you find anything).
If you’d like to report a bug or suggest a new feature, GitHub discussions or issues are best for organization.
We’ve also created a Matrix/Element space with a number of different channels for more general discussion:
We also have a dedicated help channel in French:
If you are not comfortable writing a GitHub discussion/issue in English, you can ask on the channel if someone can help you in your language.
If you’d prefer a direct channel link instead of a space link, here’s the main Breezy Weather Matrix channel:
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, or logos of any Contributor.
Misrepresentation of the origin of that material is prohibited, and modified versions of such material must be marked in reasonable ways as different from the original version.
When creating a fork, remember to:
Respect the project’s LICENSE
Avoid confusion with Breezy Weather app:
Change the app name
Change the app icon
Avoid installation conflicts:
Change the applicationId
in build.gradle.kts