Download and extract font-kits from fontsquirrel easily with a rake tasks.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'fontsquirrel-download', group: "development"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Add to your application.css/application.css.scss:
//= require fonts
Because the download will append the necessary changes to app/assets/stylesheets/_fonts.scss
Use Rake task, specify the Font name as written in the URL from font-squirrel, e.g. the well-known LaTeX-Font:
rake font:download NAME=TeX-Gyre-Bonum
This will download the fonts to app/assets/fonts
and append the style rules to app/assets/stylesheets/_fonts.scss
After that, you can use that style definition in your css rules, like:
body {
font-family: "TeXGyreBonumRegular", serif;
The names always vary a little, just look them up in the _fonts.scss
You can also create font-kits with Fontsquirrel's great Webfont-generator and extract+apply that zipfile and merge a meaningful scss-file with correct font weight and style:
rake font:install FILE=/tmp/