Podcast hosting and feed generation website for Based on Hexo, and theme Anatole.
The website is the exact the same as deployed to but static.
sudo service apache2 status.
3.1 If not active type these in the terminal: sudo service apache2 start.
and check again
3.2 If active, proceed to the next step/var/www/html/
, since the next step will wipe the /var/www/html/
folder.$ cd TechFusionFM/
$ npm install
$ sh
CMS: Hexo
Theme Based on: Anatole
Telegram Bot, Custom Deployment Script, Show Notes, Custom XML Parser and Theme Customization: Jerry Fengwei Zhang - JerryFZhang
The content including but not limited to text displayed on the website, pictures and logos, audio files, have exclusive right to them unless authorized.
Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-ND for all files under /source/, MIT for all other contents and code.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.