Axios based declarative HTTP client for the browser and node.js.
Written by a java programmer who got used to declarative HTTP client.
The goal is provide a simple, concise http client in all javascript/typescript environment, ( es6 environment, actually ) ( not yet! )
Because babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy
not support parameter decorator yet, so that RetrofitJs only working on TypeScript environment for now.
Quote the proposal in here:
You can decorate the whole class, as well as declarations of fields, getters, setters and methods. Arguments and function declarations cannot be decorated. -- from proposal-decorators
and also someone put forward this request --> Parameter Decorators?
Now, let us focus on declare own http interface rather than http details, just like Retrofit did, write less, do more.
In the last, thank for all peoples who written or update Axios ( javascript http client ) and Retrofit ( java http client ) very much, those are wonderful projects, it teach me a lot.
This program can't working on IE8/9/10/11 and other environment( usually browser ) who not support es6 in native,
because it depend on Proxy
object( es6 ) and Decorator
feature( stage 2 ).
In other word, RetrofitJs can be working on any environment who support es6 in native.
About Proxy
object, I can not find any polyFill to supported. But for the Decorator
, you can use it by something babel support like babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy
Using npm:
npm install retrofitjs
// This is typescript demo, also javascript demo( it is if you remove all type define )
// In the first step, you must create your retrofit object.
let client = Retrofit.getBuilder()
.setConfig<RetrofitConfig>( { /** config, you can use retrofit config or axios config */ } )
.addInterceptor( /** your interceptor */ )
.setErrorHandler( /** define your error handler */ )
// This is the part of define any interface what you need.
@HTTP( "/testing" )
@Headers( [ "Cache-Control: no-store" ] )
class TestingClient {
@GET( "/demo1/:callByWho/:when" )
public demo1( @Path( "callByWho" ) name: string, @Path( "when" ) time: number ): RetrofitPromise<string> & void {
@POST( "/demo2/:file" )
public demo2( @Path( "file" ) file: string, @Header( "cookie" ) val: string, @Config localConfig: AxiosConfig ): RetrofitPromise<string> & void {
// The final step, create your client.
export let testingClient = client.create( TestingClient );
// When you are calling this method, it is a http call actually.
testingClient.demo1( "itfinally", ).then( response => {
// any code
} ).catch( reason => {
// any code
} );
// And you can also get axios instance.
let axios: AxiosInstance = client.getEngine();
Like Retrofit, RetrofitJs also implemented by interceptor chain. All interceptor sort by order
field, and sort from largest to smallest.
// This is a interceptor interface
export interface Interceptor {
order: number;
init( config: RetrofitConfig ): void;
intercept( chain: Chain ): Promise<ResponseInterface<any>>
Be careful, the RealCall
interceptor is the last interceptor, and it must be.
It is a default interceptor, the value of order
field is zero. RetrofitJs used it to send all http request by Axios object.
To avoid conflict, the numbers of order field less than 256 ( not including 256 ) are reserved.
Your can easily to implement your own interceptor, just like this.
class MyInterceptor implement Interceptor {
public order: number = 256;
public init( config: RetrofitConfig ): void {
// Initializing your interceptor
public intercept( chain: Chain ): Promise<ResponseInterface<any>> {
// Your code
return chain.proceed( chain.request() );
Note chain.proceed( chain.request() )
, this code decide whether the request will continue.
If you calling with chain.proceed
, current request will be transfer to next interceptor. Otherwise the rest interceptor will not be active. And the whole process will be terminate and active error handler if any error throw from interceptor chain.
In fact, plugins are interceptor, You can write you own plugin for RetrofitJs.
Retrofit.use( new MyInterceptor implements Interceptor {
public order: number = 20;
public init( config: RetrofitConfig ): void {
public intercept( chain: Chain ): Promise<ResponseInterface<any>> {
} );
It will add all interceptors to Retrofit
when you create an instance.
There are no limit to the order field of plugins. In fact, there numbers are reserved for plugins and default interceptors.
And this is all default interceptor:
interceptor | order |
RealCall | 0 |
RetryRequestInterceptor | 1 |
LoggerInterceptor | 5 |
This interceptor is disable by default, it will retry with random time when idempotent requesting have a network anomaly. like connection timeout when you send 'GET' request.
If you want to use it, you should set maxTry
and timeout
in RetrofitConfig
You can setting in RetrofitConfig
"maxTry": "number",
"retryCondition": "RetryCondition"
is an interface, interceptor will try to send request again if RetryCondition.handler
return true.
This interceptor disable by default, it will record all request / response ( or error ) and print it on console.
You can setting in RetrofitConfig
"debug": "boolean"
You can easily to cancel a request.
let tick = testingClient.demo1(...args);
// Careful the different between micro task and macro task
setTimeout( () => tick.cancel( "your message" ), 3000 );
Careful, the cancel
api is a method of RetrofitPromise
object, you can't calling with other promise object, this is a example:
// It is wrong.
tick.then( () => { code } ).cancel( "message" );
When you cancel the request, it will be throw a RequestCancelException
, you can handle or ignore in error handler.
If you want to uniform handling all exception, just implement ErrorHandler
class MyErrorHandler implement ErrorHandler {
public handler( realReason: any, exception: Exception ): void {
// your code
is the parameter given by axios, and exception
is the instance of Exception
, you can easily to Uniform process all exception.
This is all exception:
exception | description |
RequestCancelException | User Cancellation |
ConnectException | ECONNREFUSED signal activated |
SocketException | ECONNRESET signal activated |
RequestTimeoutException | ECONNABORTED or ETIMEDOUT signal activated |
IOException | the rest of unknown situation |
Although error handler can be catch all exception, but it doesn't mean Promise.catch
will not be active. In fact, it is necessary for the reason at terminate normal process when exception has been throws.
class MyErrorHandler implement ErrorHandler {
public handler( realReason: any, exception: Exception ): void {
// Your code
testingClient.demo1( ...args ).then( response => {
// Normal business process
} ).catch( reason => {
// Active after error handler call
} );
In a single method sign, can not decorate single parameter with multi-decorator.
// It is wrong!
public demo1<T>( @Field( "key1" ) @Header( "header1" ) val1: any ): RetrofitPromise<T> & void {
If you want to create url query like
, just do it as follows:
public demo1<T>( @Query( "key1" ) val1: any, @QueryMap map1: object ): RetrofitPromise<T> & void {
declare a query key-value entry.@QueryMap
declare a query multi-key-value-entries.Easily to submit form.
public demo1<T>( @Field( "key1" ) val1: any, @FieldMap map1: object ): RetrofitPromise<T> & void {
The @Field
and @FieldMap
only effective when method has been declared by @FormUrlEncoded
declare this is a form.@Field
declare a form key-value entry.@FieldMap
declare a form multi-key-value-entries.If you want to requesting with a json body, use @Body
to decorate parameter.
public demo1<T>( @Body myBody: object ): RetrofitPromise<T> & void {
can not used with @FormUrlEncoded
or @MultiPart
, because there is one body in single request. Also @Body
can not used more than one in same method sign.
// It is wrong!
public demo1<T>( @Body myBody: object, @Body otherBody: object ): RetrofitPromise<T> & void {
Like the above case, parameter myBody
will be ignore.
If you want to override config, use @Config
to decorate parameter.
public demo1<T>( @Config config: RetrofitRequest ): RetrofitPromise<T> & void {
It will be override decorator setting( but not including the global config ) by the field who parameter config contain.
The dynamic config is only effective in request, but not to interceptor config, because interceptor initializing when you called Retrofit.getBuilder().build()
and only initialize once.
You can easily to upload file with RetrofitJs, as this follows:
@PUT( "/upload" )
public upload( @Part( "file" ) file: any, @PartMap anything: any ): RetrofitPromise<void> & void {
This is the browser way:
// document.getElementById( "file" ) is a input tag
client.upload( document.getElementById( "file" ).files[ 0 ] );
And this is the node way:
// create a file read stream as parameter, done.
client.upload( fs.createReadStream( "your file path" ) );
Like form submit, The @Part
and @PartMap
also only effective when method has been declared by @MultiPart
declare this is a form.@Part
declare a form key-value entry.@PartMap
declare a form multi-key-value-entries.Also you must be careful the max file size setting in your server. It alway upload failed if the file size greater than your server limit.
In last, Do not use Buffer
object as parameter, I try to use the buffer object to upload, but all failed because buffer object has only data but not any description such as filename, filetype.
In Browser, There is no way to download file by Ajax because Ajax always responding with string data, but you can use tag iframe to active browser download.
You can download file on node, as this follows:
@ResponseBody( ResponseType.STREAM )
public demo1(): RetrofitPromise<Stream> & void {
will telling the RetrofitJs what type should be returned.
This is all supported response type:
type | value |
object | ResponseType.JSON ( default ) |
string | ResponseType.DOCUMENT, ResponseType.TEXT |
Stream | ResponseType.STREAM |
Buffer | ResponseType.ARRAY_BUFFER |
This is the last chapter, as you can see, RetrofitJs provide a platform only, and all http interface must be write by yourself.
Also you can write a common interface and extend it, then information collector working as follows:
In short, information priority chain follow this: @Config > method > this class > super class