Web Course Design-Central South University Home Page-Jianshu
Make a page similar to the Central South University homepage:
The head tag usually contains title, meta, link, and script tags.
< head >
< title >中南大学</ title >
<!-- meta 可提供有关页面的元信息(meta-information)-->
< meta name =" keywords " content ="中南大学" charset =" utf-8 " />
<!--rel, shortcut icon, type-->
< link href =" images/favicon.ico " rel =" icon " type =" image/x-icon " >
< link href =" images/favicon.ico " rel =" shortcut icon " type =" image/x-icon " > <!--快捷方式的图标-->
< link href =" css/style.css " rel =" stylesheet " type =" text/css " >
< link href =" css/bootstrap.css " rel =" stylesheet " >
< script src =" js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js " > </ script >
</ head >
The overall page is divided into 3 parts from top to bottom:
green box | div class = "top" | Page header |
purple frame | div class = "main" | Page body |
red box | div class = "foot" | end of page |
Central South University rectangular logo on the left, img tag
The content on the right is divided into 3 lines
Row 1: Prospective Students Current Students Faculty Alumni Regents Contains 2 drop-down lists (Educational Institutions Research Institutions)
Line 2: Information Portal | Zhongnan e-line | Mail system | Library | Simplified | Traditional | English These are all a tags. This effect can be achieved by setting the font size and spacing reasonably.
Row 3: 1 search box
By setting the float, the image on the left and the content on the right are displayed in one line.
The main part is divided into 4 parts from top to bottom:
red | nav navigation bar contains 8 options |
Purple | banner school picture poster |
blue | Central and South China news, 2 li floating display |
green | Student information inquiry |
The blue bar at the bottom of the page is fixed at the bottom of the browser. If there is enough content on the page, there is no need to set the fixed attribute. The bar at the bottom will automatically be at the bottom of the page, and the effect is good.
CSS corresponding to div id = “foot”
# foot {
width : 100 % ;
height : 50 px ;
padding : 0 ;
background : # 0f70b4 ;
position : fixed;
bottom : 0 ;
The educational institution is the same as the home page column pop-up menu, and the submenu ul is included under the li of the upper-level label educational institution.
By default, ul's display=none, when the mouse hovers, display=block
# main_nav li ul . jyjgli {
position : absolute;
top : 21 px ;
right : 0 ;
width : 350 px ;
height : 410 px ;
padding : 15 px 5 px 15 px 18 px ;
background : # 396f98 ;
border : 1 px solid white;
display : none;
z-index : 999 ;
/*li:hover ul*/
# main_nav li : hover ul {
display : block;
The same principle applies to the home page.
Corresponding css
. dropdown-content {
display : none; /*隐藏下拉菜单的内容*/
position : absolute;
background-color : # f9f9f9 ;
list-style : none;
width : 115 px ;
font-size : 14 px ;
line-height : 32 px ;
font-weight : 100 ;
. dropdown : hover . dropdown-content {
display : block;
This menu is based on the original tag ul of html. The default content li of ul is arranged vertically. By setting the float and other attributes of ul and li, these li tags can be arranged horizontally.
Corresponding css
# nav {
width : 943 px ;
height : 32 px ;
padding : 0 0 0 5 px ;
margin : 0 ;
list-style : none;
. dropdown {
float : left;
Create an information query page:
(1)Student table
-- auto-generated definition
sName VARCHAR ( 32 ) NOT NULL ,
class VARCHAR ( 32 ) NOT NULL
Insert 3 rows of data into the table
(2)Grade table
-- auto-generated definition
no VARCHAR ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
course VARCHAR ( 32 ) NULL ,
grade INT ( 10 ) NULL ,
registerTime DATE NULL ,
FOREIGN KEY (no) REFERENCES csu . Student (sNo)
ON Grade (no);
Insert data into table
(3) Relationship between tables
An input box is set up on the front end to enter the student's name for query.
Corresponding to the html code, the input box and button styles of bootstrap are used.
An empty table is defined below the input box to return content when querying.
< script >
function postData() {
$ . ajax ( {
type : "post" ,
url : "HelloForm" ,
data : {
"name" : $ ( "#name" ) . val ( )
} ,
success : function ( res ) {
// alert(res);
$ ( "#my_table" ) . html ( "" ) ; // tbody置空
$ ( "#my_table" ) . append ( res ) ; // tbody添加数据
} ) ;
</ script >
Query another person
The page is not refreshed, but the effect is very good.
The HelloForm class is defined in the src directory, mainly including:
import java . io . IOException ;
import java . io . PrintWriter ;
import java . sql .*;
import javax . servlet . RequestDispatcher ;
import javax . servlet . ServletException ;
import javax . servlet . annotation . WebServlet ;
import javax . servlet . http . HttpServlet ;
import javax . servlet . http . HttpServletRequest ;
import javax . servlet . http . HttpServletResponse ;
* Created by shuai
* on 2017/6/10.
@ WebServlet ( "/HelloForm" )
public class HelloForm extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1 ;
// JDBC 驱动名及数据库 URL
private static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ;
private static final String DB_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/csu" ; // 同DataGrip
// 数据库的用户名与密码,需要根据自己的设置
private static final String USER = "root" ;
private static final String PASS = "shuai" ;
protected void doPost ( HttpServletRequest request , HttpServletResponse response ) throws ServletException , IOException {
doGet ( request , response );
protected void doGet ( HttpServletRequest request , HttpServletResponse response ) throws ServletException , IOException {
// 获取输入的学生姓名
String name = new String ( request . getParameter ( "name" ). getBytes (), "UTF-8" );
try {
// 注册 JDBC 驱动器
Class . forName ( JDBC_DRIVER );
// 打开一个连接
Connection conn = DriverManager . getConnection ( DB_URL , USER , PASS );
// 执行sql查询
Statement stmt = conn . createStatement ();
// String sql = "SELECT * FROM Grade WHERE no = "0902140133"; ";
// 注意String要加引号
String sql = "SELECT * FROM Grade " +
"WHERE no = (SELECT sNo FROM Student WHERE sName = " " + name + " " );" ;
// 执行查询得到结果集
ResultSet rs = stmt . executeQuery ( sql );
// 向jsp页面传递数据
RequestDispatcher rd = request . getRequestDispatcher ( "temp.jsp" );
request . setAttribute ( "data" , rs );
rd . forward ( request , response );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
e . printStackTrace ();
doGet is divided into the following steps:
temp.jsp is a temporary jsp file, used to convert the result set returned by executing sql into list items, and then these contents are added to the table reserved by index.jsp, thereby asynchronously loading data on the main page.
<%@ page import = " java.sql.ResultSet " %> <%--
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
User: shuai
Date: 2017/6/20
Time: 18:04
To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
<%@ page contentType = " text/html;charset=UTF-8 " language = " java " %>
< tr >
< th width = " 25% " >学号</ th >
< th width = " 25% " >课程</ th >
< th width = " 25% " >成绩</ th >
< th width = " 25% " >登记时间</ th >
</ tr >
ResultSet rs = ( ResultSet ) request . getAttribute( " data " );
// 展开结果集数据库
try {
while (rs . next()) {
String sNo = rs . getString( " no " );
String course = rs . getString( " course " );
String grade = rs . getString( " grade " );
String registerTime = rs . getString( " registerTime " );
// 输出数据
out . println( " <tr> " );
out . println( " <td> " + sNo + " </td> " );
out . println( " <td> " + course + " </td> " );
out . println( " <td> " + grade + " </td> " );
out . println( " <td> " + registerTime + " </td> " );
out . println( " </tr> " );
} catch ( Exception e) {
e . printStackTrace();
% >