################### Maju Jaya Motot Inventory and POS Application ###################
This application functions to manage goods, with a goods storage feature using a locator / shelf. and make it easier for cashiers to carry out sales transactions
Actors & Features
- The features
- menu management, namely managing the menu (crud) in the application
- access management, namely managing access rights (crud) in each position and managing accounts (crud)
- inventory, namely managing goods locators / shelves (shelf, level, locator) (crud), managing goods (categories, brands, goods) (crud), and viewing stock of goods
- transactions, namely managing incoming goods (crud), managing the staging area, namely putting goods into locators / shelves, and move orders, namely moving goods from locator A to locator B
- report, looking at the incoming goods report there are two menus (goods and suppliers) and the outgoing goods report there are two menus (goods and customers),
- Point of Sales, cashier to print receipts and manage customer data
- Actor
The technology used is as follows:
- php laravel version 9
- vanilla javascript
- ajax
- jquery
- botstrap version 5
- sweetalert
- izitoast
- server side datatables
- dompdf
- mysql
Thank You