Web system whose objective is to facilitate the search and budget for services for events and parties, also facilitating contact between Company and Client.
Eduardo Sousa
Gustavo Antunes
Lucas Silva
Pablo Santos
Aline Vieira
David Maciel
Juan Jarbas
Leonardo Piatã
Front-end: HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
Backend: PHP and MySql.
Software: Visual Studio Code and XAMPP.
Search system with filters and search field
Page that details the service when clicked
Cart system for easy quote for services
Screen that lists the budgets already made and their respective status (Approved, Denied or Pending)
User registration: Company and Customer
Basic Customer profile customization
Star rating system
Dashboard for registering services and viewing their status for the partner company
- Home Screen: This would be the first screen that our user would see when entering, we have a very colorful banner, along with a Navbar to assist with navigation within YourParty
- Registration & Login: Our user can Login/Register as a Company or as a Customer. To register, simply click on the Register button below the login form and to log in, you must enter the Email and Password that you registered in the system.
- Home | Client: When the user logs in, he is redirected to his Home. This screen shows the most rated services in each category and below shows the promotions, with the cheapest in each category.
- Search and Service Details: The search system has a Search field and a variety of filters to facilitate the search for services for our client. By clicking on +Details , you can better view the service information.
- Cart and Budgets: When the customer places a service in the cart, they can view the items they have already placed and the total budget, and can remove them if they wish.
When finalizing the quote, these services are available on the My Quotes screen with their respective status (Approved, Denied or Pending).
- Profile: In the profile part, our user can edit information and change the photo as well.
- Dashboard: When the user logs in as a Company, they have a Dashboard that provides data such as: Budgets made in the month and Number of services registered.
- Service Registration: Using the side Navbar, the company can register its services by clicking on the Items in this Navbar.
The form is very intuitive, asking for some data and a photo if you have one. Below is a table where the Company can view the services already registered, and can also Edit and Delete them.
To complete the registration, the company needs to register Items for some services, such as the Buffet. When registering these items, a list is available where they can be edited and deleted.
- Pending & Closed Quotes: When the customer makes a quote, the services belonging to them remain in Pending Status until the company confirms or denies that the contract was made. When it is confirmed , the user can rate it and the rating for the company is shown. When denied, it only has the status of denied.
During the creation, development and completion of this project, I learned to listen and communicate with the people on my team. Regarding programming, I delved a little deeper into the PHP language and Object Oriented Programming, as it is used in all CRUDs in the system. I also had knowledge about the JavaScript language, as I needed to make some registrations and queries via Jquery and Ajax.
I really enjoyed working on this project, even though I had a short time to complete the systems and I wasn't able to keep some codes organized, I did my best and delivered what was asked of me.
Parts that I created or directly participated in:
Registration system with all CRUDS included.
Search system with filters.
Cart system.
Budget and evaluation system.
Notification system: Registration, Session Completed, Added to Cart, etc.
Copyright - YourParty