Lightweight and minimal HTML template helpers powered by native DOM
Server-side-rendering (SSR) mode available via node-data-template
Drop below line in your html with automatic patch updates:
<script src="[email protected]/base.js"></script>
src="[email protected]/base.js"
src="[email protected]/base.min.js"
For new project without existing files, you can use the data-template
cli to setup a simple project from template.
npx data-template my-app
cd my-app
# then see the guides in the console output and file
) attributesSupported data-*
category | attributes |
general | text, class, id, title |
link | href |
media | src, alt |
display | hidden, show, if |
input | value, checked, selected, disabled, readonly |
dialog | open |
form | action, onsubmit |
event | onclick |
(For script tag with exact version and integrity checksum, see above section)
<script src="[email protected]/base.js"></script>
<header id="header" data-template="header.html"></header>
<main id="main" data-template="article" data-bind="articles">
loading articles...
<template data-name="article">
<h2 data-text="title"></h2>
<ul class="tags">
<li class="tag" data-text="tags"></li>
<p data-text="intro"></p>
<a data-href="detail" data-class="highlight">Details</a>
getJSON('/articles').then(articles => renderTemplate(main, { articles }))
/* sample data:
title: '...',
tags: ['a', 'b'],
intro: '...',
detail: '/article.html?id=1',
highlight: false,
title: '...',
tags: [],
intro: '...',
detail: '/article.html?id=2',
highlight: true,
More examples see template/public
Render Functions:
// render data-* attributes
function renderData(container, values);
// render template on specific host element
function renderTemplate(hostElement, binds);
// recursive scan for templates and render them
function scanTemplates(rootElement, binds);
// populate the form using values from the object
function fillForm(form, object);
Format Functions:
// prepend '0' of the number is less than ten
function d2(number);
// convert to 'YYYY-MM-DD' format for input[type=date]
function toInputDate(date_or_time_or_string);
// convert to 'HH:mm' format for input[type=time]
function toInputTime(date_or_time_or_string);
AJAX Functions:
// return promise of string, cached with localStorage
function getText(url, options, callback);
// return promise of json value, cached with localStorage
function getJSON(url, options, callback);
// submit form with ajax request in application/json
function submitJSON(event_or_form): Promise<Response>
// submit form with ajax request in application/x-www-form-urlencoded or url search parameters
function submitForm(event_or_form): Promise<Response>
// submit form with ajax request in multipart/form-data
function uploadForm(event_or_form): Promise<Response>
// send ajax request in application/json
function postJSON(url, body): Promise<Response>
function patchJSON(url, body): Promise<Response>
function putJSON(url, body): Promise<Response>
// send ajax request with DELETE method
function del(url): Promise<Response>
For the getText()
and getJSON()
functions, the options
and cb
arguments are optional.
The options
object is the second argument passed to the fetch
The callback
function will be called with cached and/or fetched data (details).
If is recommended to provide { cache: 'reload' }
in the options
or use callback function to receive the data if you want to avoid staled view.
The returned promise can be used to do error handling.
If the fetching data is already cached by url, the callback will be called immediately. Then the data will be fetched no matter cached or not. If the newly fetched data is different from the cached data, the callback will be called again.
Format | File Size |
base.js | 5.3 KB |
base.min.js | 2.9 KB |
base.min.js.gz | 1.4 KB |
This project is licensed with BSD-2-Clause
This is free, libre, and open-source software. It comes down to four essential freedoms [ref]: