Generate your Charts using Laravel Echarts PHP library. It supports the Echarts.js library. Charts are loaded through WebWorker in the background, independently of user-interface scripts and without affecting the performance of the page.
php artisan vendor:publish
Provider: ApapazisisEchartsEchartsServiceProvider
<script src="{{ asset('js/echarts.min.js') }}"></script> <!-- Download the Echarts library -->
<script src="{{ asset('vendor/charts/charts.js')}}"></script>
Route::get('/', function ()
$testChart = new AppChartsTestChart();
$testChart2 = new AppChartsTest2Chart();
return view('welcome', compact('testChart', 'testChart2'));
Route::post('/data', function (IlluminateHttpRequest $request)
$class = 'App\Charts\' . $request->get('chartClass');
$chart = (new $class)->make($request->except('chartClass'));
return response()->json(
<div class="flex-center position-ref full-height">
<div class="content">
{!! $testChart->render() !!}
{!! $testChart2->render() !!}
1o <input type="text" onchange="{{ $testChart->id }}CreateOrUpdateChart({'date': '2019-01-01'})">
2o <input type="text" onchange="{{ $testChart2->id }}CreateOrUpdateChart()">
namespace AppCharts;
use ApapazisisEchartsClassesBaseChart;
use CarbonCarbon;
class TestChart extends BaseChart
public $id = 'kjdshksdjfsjdfg';
protected $date = null; // it is used for filtering
protected $data = [];
public function __construct()
$this->setRoute(); // Set the route
public function make($filters = [])
return $this
->setFilters($filters) // first we set the filters and then we can use them wherever we want in other functions
public function setData()
if (isset($this->date)){
$i = 25;
} else {
$i = 10;
$this->data['mailsentdates'] = [$i, 20, 30];
$this->data['accessclearingdate'] = [3, 6, 9];
return $this;
public function setDataset()
$this->dataset('Sales1', 'bar', $this->data['mailsentdates'])->options([
'itemStyle' => [
'normal' => [
'color' => 'function (params){console.log(params);if (params.dataIndex > 0) return "red"; else return "green";}',
'barBorderColor' => 'gray',
'barBorderWidth' => 0,
'label' => [
'show' => true,
'position' => 'top',
'textStyle' => [
'fontWeight' => 500
'color' => 'gray',
'formatter' => 'function(params){var array = ' . json_encode($this->data['mailsentdates']) . '; return + array[params.dataIndex];}'
$this->dataset('Sales2', 'bar', $this->data['accessclearingdate'])->options([
'itemStyle' => [
'normal' => [
'color' => 'function (params){console.log(window.' . $this->id . 'Options);if (params.dataIndex > 0) return "yellow"; else return "blue";}',
'barBorderColor' => 'gray',
'barBorderWidth' => 0,
'label' => [
'show' => true,
'position' => 'top',
'textStyle' => [
'fontWeight' => 500
'color' => 'gray'
return $this;
public function setOptions()
if (isset($this->date)) {
$data = ['apos', 'xlbl2', 'xlbl3'];
} else {
$data = ['xlbl1', 'xlbl2', 'xlbl3'];
'title' => [
'text' => 'The title',
'show' => true
'tooltip' => [
'trigger' => 'axis',
'axisPointer' => [
'type' => 'cross'
'toolbox' => [
'feature' => [
'saveAsImage' => [
'show' => true,
'title' => 'save as image',
'pixelRatio' => 2
'animationEasing' => 'elasticOut',
'legend' => [
'data' => ['Sales1', 'Sales2']
'xAxis' => [
'type' => 'category',
'data' => $data
'yAxis' => [
'type' => 'value'
'grid' => [
'left' => '0%',
'right' => '0%',
'bottom' => '0%',
'containLabel' => true
return $this;
public function setRoute()
$this->route = url('data');
return $this;
public function setFilters($filters)
$this->date = isset($filters['date']) ? Carbon::parse($filters['date'])->startOfWeek() : null;
return $this;