Basic implementation of Ajax with PHP
Whether you’re going to a sleepover, a party, or just a little get together with friends, there’s a good chance you might end up playing truth or dare! If it wasn’t in the original plans, then you should totally suggest it because everyone knows it’s always a good time!
Click here to Play Now!
The rules are simple! One player starts off by clicking on, “truth or dare" button. If the player clicks “truth”, a question will appear on the screen that he/she must answer honestly. If he/she chooses “dare”, he/she will be given a command or some kind of action/task he/she need to perform.
Regardless of the choice, it’s a fun game for everyone, and the room is sure to be filled with roaring laughter! To keep the game fun, make sure your truth questions deal with a sore topic that could embarrass them, and make sure the dares don't send anyone to the emergency room or jail! Click here to start!
Thank you for being here! Share this fun game with your friends!!