The simplest way to build website for your OSS project.
yarn global add magi# or npm npm i -g magi
# site name> site description## section title> section descriptionsection body content, **looks not bad huh**.
Run magi
in your terminal, open browser and you'll see:
# h1
is used as site name, blockquote
after that will be used as site description, and all other stuffs between h1
and h2
will be put in the banner.
Here's another using developit/unfetch as example:
You can use html-matter to set it anywhere in your markdown file, for example, at the top of it:
<!-- @magigithub: owner/repo-->
Notice that it should start with @magi
so that we know we need to parse it, the rest part of it is simple front-matter syntax used in Jekyll.
To insert style
and script
tag with external resource:
<!-- @magistyles: - ./css/custom.cssscripts: - ./js/app.js - ./js/post.js-->
# defaults to run server to previewmagi [file]# build html filemagi build [file]# defaults to output to index.html# but you can change itmagi build [file] --out docs/index.html
Fork it!
Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
Submit a pull request :D
magi © egoist, Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by egoist with help from contributors (list). · GitHub @egoist · Twitter @rem_rin_rin