BrainNuxt is a Boilerplate based in NuxtJS
Best Practices
Recommended Tools
This is API page
This page have an example of asyncData get with Axios in server side api consumption using SSR method, and access WEB GeoLocation API
Result of asyncData get on server side
In this example get IP information from an API
In this example, button asks for permission to access Geolocation position
Without localhost you need SSL/HTTPS active to use
/spa page is render on client side, disable JavaScript to Test
- SSR - Universal Mode
- PWA "Instalation"
- SEO Preset: robots, sitemap, header on SSR
- Google Analytics
- Selective per page SSR or SPA
- The smallest import for FontAwesome
- Simple Grid System of Bootstrap
- Generalist or component CSS
- Inteligent Nuxt Router
- Server-side Cookies for important data
- Google Site Verification
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8000
$ yarn dev
# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start
# generate static project
$ yarn generate