This blog is built using Clojure, using Babashka and Bootleg. Source code can be found in bb-src
from patchutilsbb
0.0.99+ from babashkabootleg
0.1.9+ from bootlegentr
npm install --global http-server
Building the blog:
make site
Continously build blog and serve on localhost:3000:
overmind s
github action to commit back to repo:
rebuild rss
deploy from directory instead of boot fileset via basic clj
github action to build site and commit it
commit generated site to Git repo
github action to add uuid
Randomly Chosen portraits as small opengraph Image
Integrate snippet of text into opengraph view
Unstyled archive page
hide some posts from "Other posts" list
Put permalinks into metadata to make it final
Don’t do redirects, just maintain URLs of old posts
GitHub action to add permalink if missing
Drafts are published at their UUID location with metadata to not be indexed for visibility
There could be a hidden edit button leading to
A preprocessing step could turn raw links to YouTube or twitter into more useful embeds/views
Preprocessing step could replace add combinations of tachyons classes to matching nodes
revisit blockquote styling
make headings bold
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "cloudfront:CreateInvalidation",
"Resource": [