This application creates various AWS resources to host a Single Page Application. The application also has a Contact Form to save the contact data into database and also send out email to the author of the application.
AWS Services used in this application.
For this demo I am using my Namecheap domain name routed to Amazon Route53 so that I can use the HTTPS certification without extra fuss. You can follow this link to configure the Namecheap to Route53 redirection and ACM for the SSL certificate.
To use an ACM certificate with Amazon CloudFront, you must request or import the certificate in the US East (N. Virginia) region.
Note: Please ensure your S3 bucket name is matching your Domain Name. For example, my domain name as
, so I configured my bucket name to be
Before you deploy, create the
from the sample.config.json
file and set the values.
"BUCKET_NAME": "S3 bucket name. For example,",
"TABLE_NAME": "DynamoDB table name",
"CONTACT_RECEIVED_TOPIC": "contact-received-email",
"FORWARD_EMAIL": "Email where you want to receive contact message",
"ACM_CERT_ARN": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:<AWS ACCOUNT>:certificate/<CERTIFICATION ID>",
"HOSTED_ZONE_ID": "Route53 Hosted Zone ID"
Run the sls deploy
command to deploy the changes to AWS.
To push the Site specific changes (Html, CSS, JS etc)
aws s3 sync app/ s3://<bucket name>
After deploying the service, if you are just pushing the change to your site. The CloudFront distribution will take some time update the cached content. To immediately update the CloudFront, you will need to invalidate
the cache.
Go to your CloudFront console and copy the Distribution ID created through this service and run the following command. Please note that the following command will clear the whole cache. You can clear the selective files using --paths
as well.
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id <ID> --paths /*
For more detail check the documentation here -
When someone fillup the contact form in the UI. The API will save the data to DynamoDB and also publish a message in the configured SNS Topic. The SNS Topic also has an Email subscription, where you can put the email where you want to receive the message detail.
After you deploy the service, you will receive the confirmation email from AWS to activate your subscription. Please follow the instructions in the email.
For more detail check the documentation here -
Clear the Site bucket content first.
aws s3 rm s3://<bucket name> --recursive
Remove the application stack
sls remove --profile <your profile> --aws-region <region>
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2021 Dhaval Nagar