Here is PhiCommunity's beat warehouse, used to store beat files
Click here to go to PCCR’s GitHub repository
Before anything else, you need a PEC format chart created by PhiEditor or Re:PhiEdit or an official JSON format chart, if you don’t have one, don’t mention it (please note that we do not provide copies of PhiEditor and Re:PhiEdit)
Please note: The PEC chart exported by Re:PhiEdit may require some special corrections. Please refer to this document. After exporting the appropriate PEC chart according to these instructions, go to the simulator of lchzh3473 to test whether it can be played normally, and then Make a submission.
And make sure you have obtained authorization from the composer, composer, and composer before submitting.
First, Fork
this warehouse to your account. This step requires a GitHub account. If you don't have one, just register one and then Fork.
First create a new folder with the correct name, for example rrhar
or rrharil
refers to Rrhar'il
. (Do not include special characters, such as ' /
etc., cannot start with .
Our recommended folder name format is谱师.曲名
, for example baibiao.senbonzakura
Create or paste the following files in it
meta.json 必须-元数据 (名称不可变更)
base.mp3 必选-音乐 (名称可变更)
chart.json 必须-铺面 (名称可变更)
line.json 可选-判定线贴图 (名称可变更)
bga.mp4 可选-背景动画 (名称可变更)
illustration.jpg 必须-曲绘 (名称可变更)
Music requirements: MP3/OGG/WAV and other common formats (can be compatible with the AudioContext of each browser), size less than 5MB, recommended to be less than 2.5MB (it is recommended to adjust the sampling rate to 44100kHz, adjust the bitrate to 108~128Kbps, dual channels aisle)
Requirements for music painting: JPG/PNG and other common formats (WebP has not been tested), size less than 0.5MB
Background animation requirements: MP4/WebM and other common formats, size less than 25MB, recommended less than 10MB, remove the sound channel.
Fill in the song meta information (see below) in meta.json
. Be careful to delete comments, use English characters, and double quotes need to be added translation. If the value is not filled in, delete the line directly or fill in
"name" : "Rrhar'il" , //曲名
"codename" : "rrharil" , //代号(你的文件夹名称)
"artist" : "Team Grimoire" , //曲师
"copyrights" : "Pigeon Games" , //版权字段,可填写您的名字,演示视频等链接,此字段仅用于标识,程序将不会读取
"musicFile" : "music.ogg" , //音乐文件名
"ezRanking" : 7 , //EZ定数(若没有值可不填)
"hdRanking" : 12 , //HD定数(若没有值可不填)
"inRanking" : 15 , //IN定数(若没有值可不填)
"atRanking" : 16 , //AT定数(若没有值可不填)
"backgroundAnimation" : "bga.mp4" , //可选-背景动画文件名
"lineTexture" : "line.json" , //可选-判定线贴图文件名
"chartEZ" : "Chart_EZ.json" , //EZ谱面(若没有值可不填)
"chartHD" : "Chart_HD.json" , //HD谱面(若没有值可不填)
"chartIN" : "Chart_IN.json" , //IN谱面(若没有值可不填)
"chartAT" : "Chart_AT.json" , //AT谱面(若没有值可不填)
"illustration" : "illustration.jpg" , //曲绘文件名
"chartDesigner" : "RDRT -p 19:08:31" , //谱师(当此属性存在时将忽略所有其他谱师设定)
"ezChartDesigner" : "RDRT -p 19:08:31" , //EZ谱师
"hdChartDesigner" : "RDRT -p 20:02:21" , //HD谱师
"inChartDesigner" : "RDRT -p 20:08:31" , //IN谱师
"atChartDesigner" : "RWND -p 16493:62786:92551" , //AT谱师
"illustrator" : "犀牛沱动画工坊" , //曲绘画师
"sliceAudioStart" : "84.5" //预览音频切片开始时间(秒),预览音频持续时间为15秒
Once completed, upload the beatmap folder (the one you created earlier) to your Git repository (the one you forked from earlier), then open a new Pull Request
and wait for the merge.
If you feel that this operation is really difficult to understand, you can raise an issue and let me add it on your behalf.