Elections will take place in North Rhine-Westphalia on May 14th. How has the federal state changed during the five years in government of Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft (SPD)?
Users are asked to finish drawing the line. A click on the button below the graphic reveals whether the user was correct.
All underlying data is also linked and accessible as an accessible table.
By Patricia Ennenbach and Peter Schneider Implementation: Marcus Weiner, Patricia Ennenbach Editor: Rainer Kellers Design: Mirko Schweikert
"What Do They Value" is based on a template from the New York Times: You Draw It: What Got Better or Worse During Obama's Presidency Thanks to Adam Pearce, Graphics Editor at The New York Times, who made the code available and us the right admitted to using it: You Draw It - D3 drag at bl.ocks.org Also thanks to Mike Bostock: D3.js - Data Driven Documents
Javascript, HTML & CSS are freely usable and redistributable under the MIT License. No right of use is granted for graphics.
Copyright Westdeutscher Rundfunk Cologne
npm install -g bower
npm install -g gulp
npm install
(in the project directory)bower install
(in the project directory) gulp serve
gulp build
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