Saga eleven - A Static Website builder powered by 11ty and netlifycms
Fair warning this is still in beta - but your probably a geek so you know this ;)
$ npm run setup
open the /.env for port settings and gitbranch
$ npm install
$ npm start
? go to the admin interface admin
? Theme : /src/theme-grunn/ can be renamed in package.json
content is in /src/content/
? saga11 is build on top of 11ty & decap cms
? bugs & comments github
? Cleanup the build folder
$ npm run cleanup
Saga11 is a system to build static websites
The taget audience is webdesigners that wants complete control over the markup, and that wants a true seperation of settings, content and output
Theres no fancy libraries or SPA or anything else. Its just a website HTML + CSS + a tiny bit of JS
Overview of all components
if the portnumbers are in use all kinds of errors comes out :/
8081 / 3791
sudo lsof -i :3791
kill -9 <PID>
sudo lsof -i :8081