goals | usage | changes
Simple utility functions to diff and sync local files with S3 buckets.
[confetti/s3-deploy "0.1.4"] ;; latest release
Most functions that are part of the public API of this library operate
on simple maps like the following, furthermore called file-maps
{:s3-key "desired/destination/file.txt"
:file #object[java.io.File "file.txt.gz"]
:metadata {:content-encoding "gzip"}}
By using file-maps
we decouple the structure of the filesystem from
the structure we ultimately want to achieve in our target S3 bucket.
By default the
metadata is derived from the extension of the value you provided as:s3-key
Syncing is possible via confetti.s3-deploy/sync!
(confetti.s3-deploy/sync! creds bucket-name file-maps)
To generate file-maps
from a directory this library ships a tiny
helper dir->file-maps
that will generate file-maps:
(dir->file-maps (io/file "src"))
;;=> [{:s3-key "confetti/s3_deploy.clj",
;; :file #object[java.io.File 0x4795c68f "/Users/martin/code/confetti-s3-deploy/src/confetti/s3_deploy.clj"]}]
Depending on your use case you will want to build your own file-maps
generating function. Lower level functions are available as well:
(confetti.s3-deploy/diff* bucket-objects file-maps)
Can be used to get a diff between a buckets objects and a given collection
of file-maps
(confetti.s3-deploy/calculate-ops bucket-objects file-maps)
Will return a vector of operations needed to get the bucket in sync with
the supplied file-maps
For more details check the implementation.
provides a high level API making it attractive for CLI jobs. Here is a minimal example:
;; cat deploy.clj
(require '[confetti.s3-deploy :as s3]
'[clojure.java.io :as io])
(def dir-to-sync (io/file "public"))
{:access-key (System/getenv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY")
:secret-key (System/getenv "AWS_SECRET_KEY")}
(System/getenv "S3_BUCKET_NAME")
(s3/dir->file-maps dir-to-sync)
{:dry-run? true
:report-fn (fn [{:keys [s3-key op]}]
(println op s3-key))})
Which can be ran with:
clj -Sdeps '{:deps {confetti/s3-deploy {:mvn/version "0.1.3"}}}' deploy.clj
function so that it works properly on Windows. (#16)