The Elao website.
Manala recipeInstall the dependencies using
make install
You're done! Next: see how to serve the app.
If you want to use the Docker stack, setup the project using:
make up
Then, log into the container using
make sh
[!Warning] When using Docker, you must use
make sh
to log into the container before running any command.
And install the dependencies with
make install
Start a server using
make serve
The Symfony CLI exposes you the URL at which the site is available.
When using a local install, make serve
is enough to serve both PHP app and assets.
You're ready to dev!
When using a Docker install, serve the PHP application using:
make up
[!Warning] The site is now available at, but you need to build or serve the assets.
For development purposes, start a Webpack dev-server using:
make serve.assets
Build the assets once using:
make build.assets
Generate a new article using:
make article
Please, follow the guidelines on how to write an article.