├───docs : Contains All Code files and Images.
Some introduction to your solution/project.
Team Members:
After demonetization and Pendamic the market of online money transfer plateform's demand rises alot. Our project also does the same thing at basic level. Our Project contains Basic banking facilities and money transfer to another register person on our website.
To make this project fully functionally we have used some software, some programming language as well as some tools and some external websites also.
Front End - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Back End - PHP
Database Connectivity - MySQL
Tools/Hardwares/Softwares - XAMPP Server for database connectivity, VS Code for code editor and bootstrap for Some CSS and Notification
This project is just gives the basic functionality and baisc securities. As it is college level project, we didn't focus about security section, but we can do it in future enhances of the project.
Download the all files of our project(including Images), then set the path according to your folder path of your computer(in all files).
then download xampp and set all the path and set mail path also(if you wants to send mail).
then create database in your localhost.
after all steps project will run successfully.
DM me for any query - Shashank Shah
XAMPP set up
We have completed this project in approx 3/4 months, as we have imagined we all achieved it except notification.
we didn't completed the notification section and also some user functionality.
we also didn't done mobile otp verification.
In future we can add some user functionality like account details, basic banking fascilities.
we can also add Mobile OTP verification and notification also.
List of references used in our solution.
Learn PHP
and many more websites like w3school, GeeksforGeeks and many YouTube Videos.