Data Science Learning Resources
A comprehensive list of free resources for learning data science.
- Datacamp selected free courses.
- Dataquest free trial.
- A really good tutorial on OOP for data science.
- CS50x Harvard Introduction to Computer Science.
- Pandas basics.
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python.
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python.
- Python for Everybody.
- Python Data Science Handbook.
- Python for Data Analysis.
Data science general
- Microsoft course Data-science-for-beginners.
Machine Learning
- Google's machine learning crash course.
- Scikit-learn workshop material by Andreas Mueller, core contributor to Scikit-learn.
- Applied machine Learning material from Columbia University.
- Machine learning with python github repo with numerous tutorials.
- Notes on data science & machine learning by Chris Albon.
- Machine learning (theory) flashcards by Chris Albon.
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Scikit-learn.
- Kaggle Machine Learning Explainability.
- Scikit-learn Course.
- Microsoft course ML-for-beginners.
- Natural Language Processing with Python.
- Hands on Machine Learning with Scikit-learn and Tensorflow.
- A curated list of widely cited papers on machine learning.
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Python.
Natural Language Processing
- Introduction to Natural Language processing.
- Awesome NLP curated list of tutorials and articles.
- Introduction to Natural Language Processing
- Natural Language Processing with Python
Deep Learning
- FastAI practical deep learning for coders.
- Scaler Topics Deep learning.
Maths & Statistics
- From 0 to Research Scientist Resource Guide.
- Khan Academy Statistics and Probability.
- Khan Academy Linear Algebra.
- Khan Academy Calculus.
- Practical Statistics for Data Scientists.
- Think Stats.
- Bayesian Methods for Hackers.
- Statistics in Plain English.
- Computer Age Statistical Inference.
Data Engineering
- Machine learning system design - data engineering, Stanford lecture notes by Chip Huyen.
Data Science Libraries
- Curated list of Python libraries for data science.
Code Helpers
- Quickly find commonly used code snippets with codegrepper.
Code Practice