iwms5.1 version only supports asp.net2.x/3.x. Users of the old version of asp.net1.x environment should choose to upgrade the website environment in IIS to asp.net2.x before upgrading. "
iwms website management system version 5.1SP5 update content:"
1. Members’ recent contacts in short messages are displayed in order of recent contacts."
2. Corrected the problem that member short messages were not read too much and could not be displayed."
3. Fixed the issue where short messages cannot be displayed in some cases under Chrome."
4. Corrected the problem that after the first successful installation, it still shows "Not installed"
5.jquery upgraded to 1.4"
The update content of iwms5.1 is as follows: "
1.Significantly reduce resource usage when generating static"
2. Generating a static queue can continue to run after restarting IIS"
3. The news static location can be selected under category or system static directory"
4. Reviewed content can be converted to pending review status"
5. Add an audit function to the discussion area, and you can upload pictures when posting."
6. Improve the style import and export function and export it as a single package file"
7. Add template import and export function"
8. Fixed an error in the design menu in the interface style"
9. News administrators can delete their own news if they have the permission "can manage the news they added"
10. Fixed the issue where the lower-level category column in the upper-level page is cleared after adding a lower-level category.
11. Fixed the issue where the scrolling position is not followed when the picture is enlarged in Chrome."
12. Fixed the error in the total number of posts when deleting a post with more than three levels of replies."
13. The page break character in the title of the web page can be set in the system settings"
14.Add wapsitemap generation"
15. Collection rules can be set to automatically generate an introduction."
16. The homepage headline introduction settings are moved to the news addition page"
17. Added a new news classification selection method to optimize performance when there are too many categories."
18.Add the function "RelateImgNews" to display related picture news
19. Discussion forum and comment filter words can be set with replacement words for the filter words"
20. RSS output full text can be set"
21. Delay loading of category menu scripts to reduce the number of server connections"
22. Generate static files according to Firefox standards, and IE standards will display errors in other browsers."
sp5 version update file:"
bin the entire directory"