Keywords: Python, TensorFlow, Deep Learning, Time Series classification
This project was designed for:
$ cd /path/to/project/
$ git clone
$ cd voice_activity_detection/
$ pyenv install 3.7.3
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.7.3 vad-venv
$ pyenv activate vad-venv
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .
You can pull the latest image from DockerHub and run Python commands inside the container:
$ docker pull filippogrz/tf-vad:latest
$ docker run --rm --gpus all -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -e TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH=true filippogrz/tf-vad
If you want to build the docker image and run the container from scratch, run the following commands.
Build the docker image:
$ make build
(This might take a while.)
Run the docker image:
$ make local-nobuild
The purpose of this project is to design and implement a real-time Voice Activity Detection algorithm based on Deep Learning.
The designed solution is based on MFCC feature extraction and a 1D-Resnet model that classifies whether a audio signal is speech or noise.
Model | Train acc. | Val acc. | Test acc. |
1D-Resnet | 99 % | 98 % | 97 % |
Raw and post-processed inference results on a test audio signal are shown below.
The project voice_activity_detection/
has the following structure:
: raw data labeling, processing,
recording & visualizationvad/training/
: data, input pipeline, model
& training / evaluation / predictionvad/inference/
: exporting trained model & inferencePlease download the LibriSpeech ASR corpus dataset from,
and extract all files to : /path/to/LibriSpeech/
The dataset contains approximately 1000 hours of 16kHz read English speech from audiobooks, and is well suited for Voice Activity Detection.
I automatically annotated the test-clean
set of the dataset with a
pretrained VAD model.
Please feel free to use the labels/
folder and the pre-trained VAD model (only for inference) from this
link .
$ cd /path/to/project/voice_activity_detection/vad/
Skip this subsection if you already have the labels/
folder, that contains annotations
from a different pre-trained model.
$ python data_processing/ --data-dir /path/to/LibriSpeech/test-clean/ --exported-model /path/to/pretrained/model/
This will record the annotations into /path/to/LibriSpeech/labels/
$ python data_processing/ --data-dir /path/to/LibriSpeech/
This will record the splitted data to .tfrecord
format in /path/to/LibriSpeech/tfrecords/
$ python training/ --data-dir /path/to/LibriSpeech/tfrecords/
$ python inference/ --model-dir /path/to/trained/model/dir/
$ python inference/ --data-dir /path/to/LibriSpeech/ --exported-model /path/to/exported/model/ --smoothing
The trained model will be recorded in /path/to/LibriSpeech/tfrecords/models/resnet1d/
The exported model will be recorded inside this directory.