DI sheep
When the pearl of AI technology, deep reinforcement learning, encounters a game with a so-called "clearance rate of only 0.01%", what kind of strange ideas will come out?
PS If you pass by, remember to click a star to keep updating.
PSS Want to know more about deep reinforcement learning? Come to DI-engine to train your own agent.
# 预先安装好 Python3
cd service
pip install -r requirement.txt
FLASK_APP=app.py flask run # 玩家试玩
# FLASK_APP=agent_app.py flask run # 玩家 + AI 试玩
# 预先安装好 node.js 和 react
cd ui
npm run build
npm run preview
# 预先安装好 Python3
cd service
pip install -r requirement-train.txt
python3 -u sheep_ppo_main.py
and modify it as much as you like. .
├── ui --> react 网页前端
└── service --> Python 核心模块(算法和服务端)
├── app.py --> flask 服务 app (仅人类操作)
├── agent_app.py --> flask 服务 app(人类+AI操作)
├── requirement.txt --> Python 依赖库列表
├── sheep_env.py --> gym 格式环境
├── sheep_model.py --> 基于 PyTorch 的 Actor-Critic 神经网络模型
├── sheep_ppo_main.py --> 基于 DI-engine 的深度强化学习训练主函数
├── test_sheep_env.py --> gym 格式环境的单元测试
└── test_sheep_model.py --> 神经网络模型的单元测试
DI-sheep is released under the Apache 2.0 license.