Memory Cache
Memory Cache is a project that allows you to save a webpage while you're browsing in Firefox as a PDF, and save it to a synchronized folder that can be used in conjunction with privateGPT to augment a local language model.
️: This setup uses the primordial version of privateGPT. I'm working from a fork that can be found here. |
- Set up privateGPT - either using the primordial checkpoint, or from my fork.
- Create a symlink between a subdirectory in your default Downloads folder called 'MemoryCache' and a 'MemoryCache' directory created inside of /PrivateGPT/source_documents/MemoryCache
- Apply patch to Firefox to add the
property to the Tabs API. See wiki page for instructions
- Copy /scripts/ into your privateGPT directory and run it to start
watching your downloads directory for new content
Setting up the Extension
- Clone the Memory-Cache GitHub repository to your local machine
- In Firefox, navigate to
and click on 'This Firefox'
- Click 'Load Temporary Add-on" and open the
file in the MemoryCacheExt directory
Using the Extension
- Under the 'Extensions' menu, add the Memory Cache extension to the toolbar
- When you want to save a page to your Memory Cache, click the icon and select the 'Save' button. This will save the file silently as a PDF if you are using a Firefox build with the
property addition.