Create a Laravel web application to accomplish following parts:
There will be a download button to download all followers of any user(we will input user @handler).
Download can be performed in one of the following formats i.e. You choose the format you want. It would act as an advantage if you give the option to download the tweets in all the following formats: csv, xls, google-spreadhseet, pdf, xml and json formats.
For Google-spreadsheet export feature, your app-user must have Google account. Your app should ask for permission to create spreadsheet on user’s Google-Drive.
Once user clicks download button (after choosing option) all followers of specified user should be downloaded. Hint: You can implement this as background job. Come up with some creative solutions.
git clone
cd rtCamp-twitter-challenge
composer install
php artisan env:gen
cd public
bower install
php artisan serve
php -S localhost:8080 -t public
Github Repo
Install the package using composer:
composer require thujohn/twitter
Github Repo
Install the package using composer:
composer require mathiasgrimm/laravel-dot-env-gen:dev-master
Github Repo
Install the package using composer:
composer require google/apiclient:^2.0
Github Repo
Install the package using composer:
composer require "maatwebsite/excel:~2.1.0"