Triptrip is fullstack website that handles management of various tour and travel packages.
User validation added on login and sign up. Username and email fields are unique. User will get mail after completing registration. (undo smtp_mailer comment)
Package purchase validation added. One user can not purchase same package twice, can not purchase after package has started and also can not purchase after package capacity is full.
User will get email after completing purchase. (undo smtp_mailer comment in success.php file)
User can write review and generate pdf report after purchasing any package and more.
Checkout the dbConnection.php file for the known bugs.
Clone the repository
git clone
You need to have a PHP enabled apache with mysql server installed on your local device.
You can use -
Code editor -
Start Apache and Mysql.
Extract downloaded project file
Rename the extracted folder to triptip.
Copy the extracted folder to htdocs(XAMPP) or www(Laragon) folder.
Create a new database named triptrip and create required table. Use the tableSchemas to create tables.
Open your browser and go to http://localhost/triptrip
Go to register and sign up using new user.
To make a user admin go to your database -> triptip -> users -> set is_admin to 1.
Separate dashboards for admin and users. Use admin dashboard to start adding new packages.
The scripting language used
The relational database management system used
Shahidul Alam - @shz-code
Akibul Hasan - @MdAkibulHasan
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details