Web Application Final Project
Table of contents
- Requirements of the project
- Technologies
- Setup
Requirements of the project
Requirement 1: register, login, forget password
The system has three roles as follows:
- Admin, have full discretion in the system.
- Developer, the one who can upload their apps to website and sell it to user.(I'm not make this feature, maybe it will done in the future)
- User, have the right to download apps from dev.
- Users who want to download apps must register for an account and log in to the system.
- After registration, the user with the default role is User. They can upgrade they role to Dev by pay a lot of money.
- When users forget the password, they can recover the password via email registered previously. The system will send an email with an OTP (will expired in a limit time) and you can use that to create your new password.
Requirement 2: classroom management
- Apps are divided into two kind are free and cost, if you want to buy apps have cost you have to recharge the money to buy them.
- Admin can provide cards for user to use card for recharge their money in the system.
Project is created with:
- XAMPP version: 2.3.4
- Boostrap version: 4.5.2
- Jquery version: 3.5.1
- PHP Mailer version 6.5.1
To run this project, you need:
- Install and put all source code by cloning it at
folder in XAMPP.
- By importing
, create a database named bedevelovebug
=)) or change name in file config.
- Run server and signup to start.