Project Overview:
This repository contains my project (source code & submissions) for the DBMS course at IIIT Delhi in Winter 2024.
Developed a full-stack online retail system featuring user, admin, and delivery agent modes for seamless browsing, purchasing, and management of products. Integrated SQL queries, triggers, transactions and designed ER Diagrams to ideate a structure to ensure ACID properties, emphasizing robust Database Management Systems.
Folder Structure:
/Deadline 1
: Project Scope along with detailed overview of the functionality./Deadline 2
: Design of Conceptual Model of the project by defining the entities, relationships and converting it to Entity-Relational(ER) model./Deadline 3
: Making Database schema with integrity constraints and data insertion (populate simulated data satisfying the constraints)./Deadline 4
: SQL queries pertaining to our application involving various relational algebraic operations supporting the application features involving database access and manipulation. It also has the Relational schema./Deadline 5
: Developing web application with embedded SQL queries & triggers which checks the database conditions and takes appropriate actions as desired by our application./Deadline 6
: Writing & executing Database Transactions (both non-conflicting & conflicting ones). It also has the user guide and the source code for the web application QuickCart.? Semester: 4th Semester (2nd Year)
Course Details:
Instructor's name - Vikram Goyal ([email protected])
Course Code - CSE202
??? Other Contributors: My IIIT Delhi batchmates Aarzoo, Sidhartha Garg & Vanshika Pal also contributed in the submissions.
? Important: Please make sure to follow the guidelines and policies outlined by the institution regarding the use of shared coursework materials. Use this repository responsibly and avoid any violations of academic integrity. Submissions are provided for reference purposes only. It's recommended to understand the submissions and implement them independently.