Description: Vivid Vibes is a Social Media Platform with A very Sleek Front End and an organized and sophisticated Back End. The main idea is a Project designed to demonstrate the connection between the Front End of a web application and The Database Behind it.
Tools Used:
Overview: Vivid Vibes features a social media platform that has a beautiful Front End and an accurate back End. The connectivity was established using PHP. Everything is being fetched in real time other than the images. For Images, I managed to code a custom algo, which enables different images to load for different users. not a complex logic but managed to accomplish. No doubt if real-time images are fetched we can call it done for now for this specific Project.
Expected Improvements:
Credits: The Front End was taken From a youtube Creator EGATOR. His design includes a Single Page with no back End. The Project was further Enhanced into this. here is a link to the actual video.