The advance dbms course project about golf clubs.
Project content:
README.txt: Lists all the project files and explains their contents.
UML.png: is an image of the project's UML.
note_db.txt: contains all the notes with explanation and assumptions relating to the database.
create_db.txt: is the set of queries to create the database, ready to be executed.
populate_db.txt: is the set of queries to populate the database with fictional data. This file can be generated with the "" script.
queries.txt: is a collection of many useful queries for searching data in the database and contains all the queries requested in the delivery. is a python script that generates data to populate the database. The data is generated in the form of queries ready to be executed. To run the script use the command: 'python ' To run the script you need the python Faker module, which can be installed via: 'pip install Faker'
GolfCompetition.xml: original project file
GolfCompetition.xsd: original project file
GolfScore.xml: original project file
GolfScore.xsd: original project file
GoldProject.pdf: original project file