Dimensional Impression, an animation communication forum built by SpringCloud
It is said that half of the Chinese programmers on Github are two-dimensional, so In order to attract more stars I developed this animation exchange forum while learning SpringCloud technology.
Acimage is an animation exchange forum built on Spring Cloud that separates the front and back ends . The backend uses SpringCloud + Mybatis-Plus + Reids + Rabbitmq + Elasticsearch . The front end uses Vue + ElementUi + Vite . The project has been launched. Dear Github 2D people, why not give me a star(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧.
* Dimensional Impressiono( ≧▽≦)ツ~Animation Exchange Forum www.acimage.top (Only applicable to the web page. If the screen is too small, you can enlarge the browser appropriately for better visual effects).
front page
Forum page
Backend services
backend module
front end
The project is still being improved, and the operation and deployment process will be updated later .
Import the three databases under doc/sql into mysql respectively. The four databases are the databases corresponding to the four front-end services.
Configure the corresponding address or account password of mysql, redis, rabbitmq , and nacos in the application-dev.yml file of each service
Fill in the Qiniu Cloud account information in application-qiniu-template.yml in acimage_common , including access-key , secret-key , domian , bucket , or assign any value to these four attributes (cannot be empty, otherwise NPE ), but This way you can't upload images. And rename application-qiniu-template.yml to application-qiniu.yml
Configure the nacos address and sentinel address in application.yml under the acimage_common module (if sentinel is not configured, it will not affect the operation)
Start nacos, redis, rabbitmq, mysql
Start acimage_user , acimage_community , acimage_image , acimage_gateway in sequence. Otherwise, an error may be reported due to rabbitmq queue creation and binding sequence problems. If encountered, all services will be restarted again.
After running the front end (see the README of vue_acimage_web for details), click the link that pops up by default to access the home page.
Front desk login**: user: wk, password: wk123456 (there are several other users who can be seen from the database sql file, and the passwords are all username 123456)
acimage_user : 8100
acimage_image : 8090
acimage_community : 8080
acimage_gateway : 8070
SpringBoot , SpringCloud , MyBatis-plus , Druid (database connection pool), Redis (distributed cache), Rabbitmq (message queue), Elasticsearch (distributed search engine), Minio (object storage service), Nginx (reverse proxy server) , Docker (application container engine)
Vue2 , Vue Router (routing), ElementUi (Vue basic component library), axios (http client), jsencrypt (js library based on RSA encryption and decryption), vue-dompurify-html (anti-XSS attack), tinymce-vue (rich text editor)
Vite , TypeSript
The project was originally built to learn technology. Due to limited capabilities, there are still many imperfections. You are welcome to correct me. If anyone is interested (I really hope someone is interested) or if you encounter any problems with the project or have any suggestions to raise an issue, you can contact the email address [email protected] or join the group 692992463 to communicate. If you like it, remember to give it a star.
Web side
Admin terminal <br> Feel free to post a few pictures of the management system. Anyway, the management systems all look the same.
Apache License 2.0