Vue-starter is a powerful admin template built especially for front-end developers, it is user-friendly and straightforward, making it fast and simple to get started.
Team members
Product: Wu Zetian Design: Daji Front-end: Luban No. 7, Descendants Back-end: Donghuang Taiyi, Arthur Test: Cai Wenji
Useful links
Vue-CLI Docs:
Product Docs:
BackAPI Docs:
How to use
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn serve
# build for production with minification
yarn build
# analysis your dist files
yarn analysis
# deploy your application
yarn deploy
Tech stack
- Use to achieve one-click deployment.
- Before use, please read the Readme document carefully and complete the necessary information above.
- Routing uses hash mode.
- If you need to modify the webpack configuration, please modify the vue.config.js file.
- To facilitate customized component library styles, select Sass as the CSS preprocessor.
- assets/css/element-variables.scss globally overrides’s style variables.
- The design style of individual pages is copied from Vuexy.
- Before deployment, first modify the configuration item publicPath in vue.config.js.
- In the default development mode, interface requests are intercepted by mock.js, and the files under /src/mock/modules/ can be modified.
- Environment variables in the .env.* files control whether mock data is used.
- mock.js is temporarily bound to the vue prototype
- Calling the device camera requires user consent before obtaining the camera list.
- The camera can only be called under https protocol or localhost.
- CCTV-1 live broadcast link does not support https protocol and needs to be deployed under http protocol