An e-commerce backend management system based on Vue, using a front-end and back-end separation development model. The front-end technology stacks used in the project include Vue, vue-router, Element-UI, Axios, Echarts, etc.
Front-end technology stack:
After the user successfully logs in, the client remembers and maintains his login status through sessionStorage
and token
Control user access permissions through route navigation guard router.beforeEach
. Prevent users who are not logged in from trying to access other pages than the login page through the URL.
component library.<el-menu>
to implement the side navigation bar, and add the activePath attribute to sessionStorage
to keep the navigation bar highlighted.Iconfont
Alibaba vector icon library.Axios
and add a token to the axios request interceptor to ensure the permission to obtain data.NProgress
progress bar to display page loading (data request) progress. Use <el-form>
to add user forms, customize form verification rules, and implement form reset and pre-verification before submission.
Use slot-scope
to get component data and customize rendering templates.
role list
Use a three-layer v-for
loop to render the first, second, and third-level permissions of the role respectively.
Use the <el-tree>
tree control to display a list of role-assignable permissions.
Permission list
Product list
to customize the display format of Date objects.Add product
Use the <el-steps>
step bar component to guide users to fill in the add product form according to the process.
Use the <el-upload>
component to allow users to upload product images.
Use vue-quill-editor
rich text editor to allow users to fill in product content.
Use <el-form>
to complete the product adding form, customize form verification rules, and implement pre-verification before form submission.
Classification parameters
Product classification
tree table component to display first, second and third level product classification. Use the <el-timeline>
timeline component to display the logistics information of the order.
Use Echarts
to display user source data reports.
- axios => Send request
- echarts => charts
- element-ui => Element-UI component library
- lodash => deep copy and object merging
- nprogress => progress bar
- vue-quill-editor => Rich text editor
- vue-table-with-tree-grid => tree table
- babel => ES6 syntax conversion
- eslint/babel-eslint => syntax check
- sass/sass-loader => sass syntax
- babel-plugin-transform-remove-console => Remove console from production environment
- @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import => Lazy loading of routes
View packaging reports through the Vue UI visualization panel and analyze how to optimize/compress files that are too large.
Specify different packaging entry files for development mode and release mode through chainWebpack
- Development mode entry file src/main-dev.js
- Release mode entry file src/main-prod.js
In the production environment, some third-party libraries that are too large will be introduced using CDN
By default, third-party dependency packages imported through the import syntax will eventually be packaged and merged into the same file, resulting in the problem that the single file size is too large after successful packaging.
In order to solve the above problems, you can configure the dependencies that need to load external CDN resources through the
node of Webpack. Any third-party dependency packages declared in externals will not be packaged.
Customize the homepage content of different environments through plug-ins (for example, use import to import dependent packages in development mode, and use CDN to import in release mode)
// Vue.config.js
config . plugin ( 'html' ) . tap ( args => {
args [ 0 ] . isProd = true / false
return args
} )
<!-- index.html -->
< title > < %= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.isProd ? '' : 'dev-' % > Element后台管理系统</ title >
< % if(htmlWebpackPlugin.options.isProd) { % >
< % } % >
When packaging projects, js packages that are too large will affect page loading speed.
plug-in and change the routing to load on demand. The corresponding component will be loaded only when the route is accessed.
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint