Develop a distributed framework based on springcloud family bucket (supports oauth2 authentication and authorization, unified ordering, public account services, Shardingdbc sub-library and table, common service monitoring, link monitoring, asynchronous logs, redis cache and other functions), and implements Vue-based family bucket Wait for the front-end and back-end separation project engineering. Other instructions
Project features
- The framework is independent, and the modules are very independent from each other (feign api is an independent project, easy to call), and third-party engineering services can be easily accessed.
- Services are uniformly accessed through the gateway, and statistical analysis such as authentication (gateway and business module permissions are independently separated), monitoring, logs, and caching are clearer.
- Adopting distributed mode, easy to deploy and easy to expand
- Unified ordering service access (currently only supports WeChat, Alipay and other channels will be expanded in the future)
- WeChat public account service access (the service provides multiple public account configurations, multiple sub-project calls, public account related interfaces, etc.)
- Adopting distributed mode, docker deployment is convenient and easy to expand
- The front-end can be based on mainstream elements such as element ui, Vue family bucket, React, etc. to achieve front-end and back-end separation.
Technical module related instructions
1. fw-cloud-system module
- fw-cloud-system-eureka [port 1001] Service registration center online access
- fw-cloud-system-config [port 1002] Service configuration and discovery remote configuration guide
- fw-cloud-system-gateway [port 1003] zuul service gateway (external interface access entrance)
- fw-cloud-system-auth [port 1004] permission access service (supports oauth2, single sign-on) View details guide
2. fw-cloud-core basic public module
- cloud-commons abstracts some of the underlying dependencies guide
- fw-cloud-core-beans commonly used global beans
- fw-cloud-core-commons constants, aspects, etc.
- fw-cloud-core-configuration basic configuration
- fw-cloud-core-exception Exception definition
- fw-cloud-core-utils Common tool classes
3. fw-cloud-business business module service module
- fw-cloud-business-commons business common components of each business, etc.
- fw-cloud-business-admin [port 2002] Permission management and other interface services
- fw-cloud-business-sso [port 3001] single sign-on module access demo
- fw-cloud-business-pay [Port 2003] Unified order module service for WeChat and other payments
- fw-cloud-business-pay-demo [Port to be determined] WeChat, Alipay and other payment-related demos to be developed
- fw-cloud-business-wechat [port 2004] WeChat public account module service
- fw-cloud-business-wechat-demo [Port to be determined] Demo related to WeChat public account to be developed
4. fw-cloud-api extracts feign api for other projects to call
- fw-cloud-system-api admin project related feign api
5. System monitoring module
- fw-cloud-monitor-monitor [Port 1010] Service status monitoring service online access
- fw-cloud-monitor-zipkin-db [Port 1011] Database db monitoring service online access
- fw-cloud-monitor-zipkin-elk [Port to be determined] elk monitoring
- fw-cloud-system-xxx [Port to be determined] Cache monitoring
- fw-cloud-system-xxx [Port to be determined] Log and other monitoring
6. Front-end module Vue2-Admin
- Vue family bucket based on element ui
- Webpack3
- Axios
- Nodejs
- For initial learning of Vue projects, please refer to Vue2-All
Development and deployment environment
- Redis
- RabbitMQ
- Java8
- Lombok
- Feign
- docker
- nginx
- git
Project Description
- Get the code guide from github
- Get the code from gitee Get the guide
- xxx Modules to be developed and improved
- Login account password superAdmintest1234 | admintest1234
- Project part technical configuration instructions guide
- Project configuration file encryption instructions guide
- Service startup instructions guide
- Auth module startup instructions guide
- SSO single sign-on module description guide
- pay unified order module expansion dependency guide
Learn and communicate
- Cannot find classes starting with Q
- lombok installation
- Project import project encounters maven plug-in problem
- Guide to solving the above problems
Service related pictures
- Click to access eureka service registration, username: admin password: liuweijw
- Swagger Api documentation click to access
- Service status monitoring click access
- zipkin db service status monitoring click access