1. Introduction
- Project principle: Simulate WeChat web version login. If the web version does not have the functions, this project will be powerless.
- The main purpose of this project is to use swoole to enhance the capabilities of the native PHP cli. The default is the daemon process mode.
- Use the hanson/vbot library directly, swoole-bot just adds the entrance to the swoole version, so that you can iterate with new functions
- Multi-user login is already supported. Modifying the workNum of src/config.php can control the default number of startup processes.
- Automatically monitor child processes and automatically recover after unexpected exit to ensure service stability.
1.1 Flowchart
2. Installation
2.1 Environmental requirements
- PHP >= 7.0
- swoole >= 1.8.9
- vbot >= 2.0
2.2 Installation method
composer require kcloze/swoole-bot
git clone https://github.com/kcloze/swoole-bot.git
cd swoole-bot
composer install
2.3 Modify configuration items
- tulingKey must be configured, and Turing robot information needs to be registered first
2.4 Management services
3. Experience the demo
- Add WeChat friends on WeChat: ysrg2014
- Enter verification keyword: 666
- Enter what you want to say in the conversation, and the WeChat robot will chat with you.
4. Documentation
- vbot documentation
- Turing Robot Documentation
5. Reference projects
6. Thank you
- hanson/vbot
- swoole
- Turing robot
7. QQ group