Name: wx-simple-bluetooth
Applicable platforms: WeChat applet
Bluetooth: Bluetooth Low Energy
Project version: 2.0.1
This project is designed from three levels: Bluetooth connection, Bluetooth protocol communication, status subscription and notification. It can easily customize the Bluetooth development of your own mini program. The main functions are as follows:
!!!You need to enable the enhanced compilation of WeChat development tools first!!!
The following is the case when the Bluetooth function, GPS and WeChat positioning permissions are turned on on the mobile phone:
will automatically scan surrounding Bluetooth devices every 350ms
, and connect to the device with the strongest signal within that time.uuid
list of the main service
and the corresponding service ID used for communication; you can also add additional Bluetooth device names to further filter the devices.注意:目前在发送数据时大于20包的数据会被裁剪为20包
. (有些蓝牙连接问题是微信兼容或是手机问题,目前是无法解决的。如错误码10003以及部分华为手机蓝牙连接或重连困难。如果您有很好的解决方案,还请联系我,十分感谢)
for details.Therefore, based on this consideration, this framework has the following constraints:
- The agreement must be formulated according to the agreed agreement format in order to use the framework normally.
- The maximum number of data in a packet of the protocol is 20 bytes. The framework does not support protocol formats larger than 20 bytes. If the data exceeds the limit, it is recommended to split it into multiple sendings.
- It is recommended to perform write operations in serial mode.
- It is recommended to first understand the official Bluetooth documentation of the mini program to facilitate understanding of the use of the framework.
协议约定格式:[...命令字之前的数据(非必需), 命令字(必需), ...有效数据(非必需 如控制灯光发送255,255,255), 有效数据之后的数据(非必需 如协议结束标志校、验位等)
协议格式示例:[170(帧头), 10(命令字), 1(灯光开启),255,255,255(三个255,白色灯光),233(协议结束标志,有的协议中没有这一位),18(校验位,我胡乱写的)]
If this project is helpful, I hope to give it a star on GitHub!
folder under the project into your project import Toast from "../../view/toast";
import UI from './ui';
import {ConnectState} from "../../modules/bluetooth/lb-bluetooth-state-example";
import {getAppBLEProtocol} from "../../modules/bluetooth/lb-example-bluetooth-protocol";
import {getAppBLEManager} from "../../modules/bluetooth/lb-example-bluetooth-manager";
const app = getApp();
* 页面的初始数据
data: {
connectState: ConnectState.UNAVAILABLE
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad(options) {
this.ui = new UI(this);
onConnectStateChanged: async (res) => {
const {connectState} = res;
console.log('蓝牙连接状态更新', res);
this.ui.setState({state: connectState});
switch (connectState) {
case ConnectState.CONNECTED:
await getAppBLEProtocol.setColorLightAndBrightness({
brightness: 100,
red: 255,
green: 0,
blue: 0
* 接收到的蓝牙设备传给手机的有效数据,只包含你最关心的那一部分
* protocolState和value具体的内容是在lb-example-bluetooth-protocol.js中定义的
* @param protocolState 蓝牙协议状态值,string类型,值是固定的几种,详情示例见:
* @param value 传递的数据,对应lb-example-bluetooth-protocol.js中的{effectiveData}字段
onReceiveData: ({protocolState, value}) => {
console.log('蓝牙协议接收到新的 protocolState:', protocolState, 'value:', value);
* 断开连接
* @param e
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async disconnectDevice(e) {
// closeAll() 会断开蓝牙连接、关闭适配器
await getAppBLEManager.closeAll();
device: {}
setTimeout(Toast.success, 0, '已断开连接');
* 连接到最近的设备
connectHiBreathDevice() {
async onUnload() {
await getAppBLEManager.closeAll();
function parameters and scan filtering rules (optional) The file is located at ./modules/bluetooth/lb-example-bluetooth-manager.js
import {LBlueToothManager} from "./lb-ble-common-connection/index";
import {getAppBLEProtocol} from "./lb-example-bluetooth-protocol";
* 蓝牙连接方式管理类
* 初始化蓝牙连接时需筛选的设备,重写蓝牙连接规则
export const getAppBLEManager = new class extends LBlueToothManager {
constructor() {
services: ['0000xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'],//必填
targetServiceArray: [{
serviceId: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',//必填
writeCharacteristicId: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxE',//必填
notifyCharacteristicId: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxF',//必填
readCharacteristicId: '',//非必填
targetDeviceName: '目标蓝牙设备的广播数据段中的 LocalName 数据段,如:smart-voice',//非必填,在判断时是用String.prototype.includes()函数来处理的,所以targetDeviceName不必是全称
scanInterval: 350//扫描周围设备,重复上报的时间间隔,毫秒制,非必填,默认是350ms
super.initBLEProtocol({bleProtocol: getAppBLEProtocol});
* 重复上报时的过滤规则,并返回过滤结果
* 在执行完该过滤函数,并且该次连接蓝牙有了最终结果后,才会在下一次上报结果回调时,再次执行该函数。
* 所以如果在一次过滤过程中或是连接蓝牙,耗时时间很长,导致本次连接结果还没得到,就接收到了下一次的上报结果,则会忽略下一次{scanFilterRuler}的执行。
* 如果不指定这个函数,则会使用默认的连接规则
* 默认的连接规则详见 lb-ble-common-connection/utils/device-connection-manager.js的{defaultFindTargetDeviceNeedConnectedFun}
* @param devices {*}是wx.onBluetoothDeviceFound(cb)中返回的{devices}
* @param targetDeviceName {string}是{setFilter}中的配置项
* @returns targetDevice 最终返回对象{targetDevice},是数组{devices}其中的一个元素;{targetDevice}可返回null,意思是本次扫描结果未找到指定设备
scanFilterRuler: ({devices, targetDeviceName}) => {
const tempFilterArray = [];
for (let device of devices) {
if (device.localName?.includes(targetDeviceName)) {
if (tempFilterArray.length) {
const device = tempFilterArray.reduce((pre, cur) => {
return pre.RSSI > cur.RSSI ? pre : cur;
return {targetDevice: device};
return {targetDevice: null};
* 获取本机蓝牙适配器状态
* @returns {Promise<*>} 返回值见小程序官网 wx.getBluetoothAdapterState
async getBLEAdapterState() {
return await super.getBLEAdapterState();
* 获取最新的蓝牙连接状态
* @returns {*}
getBLELatestConnectState() {
return super.getBLELatestConnectState();
The file is located at ./modules/bluetooth/lb-ble-example-protocol-body
import {IBLEProtocolSendBody} from "../lb-ble-common-protocol-body/index";
import {HexTools} from "../lb-ble-common-tool/index";
* 组装蓝牙协议发送数据示例
* 该框架的蓝牙协议必须按照约定格式来制定,最多20个字节
export default class SendBody extends IBLEProtocolSendBody {
getDataBeforeCommandData({command, effectiveData} = {}) {
//有效数据前的数据 该示例只返回了帧头110
return [110];
getDataAfterEffectiveData({command, effectiveData} = {}) {
const endFlag = 233;
let checkSum = endFlag + HexTools.hexToNum(command);
for (let item of this.getDataBeforeCommandData()) {
checkSum += item;
for (let item of effectiveData) {
checkSum += item;
return [endFlag, checkSum];
import {IBLEProtocolReceiveBody} from "../lb-ble-common-protocol-body/index";
* 组装蓝牙协议接收数据示例
* 该框架的蓝牙协议必须按照约定格式来制定,最多20个字节
export default class ReceiveBody extends IBLEProtocolReceiveBody {
constructor() {
//commandIndex 命令字位置索引
//effectiveDataStartIndex 有效数据开始索引,比如:填写0,{getEffectiveReceiveDataLength}中返回20,则会在{LBlueToothProtocolOperator}的子类{getReceiveAction}实现中,在参数中返回所有数据
super({commandIndex: 1, effectiveDataStartIndex: 0});
* 获取有效数据的字节长度
* 该长度可根据接收到的数据动态获取或是计算,或是写固定值均可
* 有效数据字节长度是指,在协议中由你的业务规定的具有特定含义的值的总字节长度
* 有效数据更多的说明,以及该长度的计算规则示例,见 IBLEProtocolReceiveBody 类的 {getEffectiveReceiveData}函数
* @param receiveArray 接收到的一整包数据
* @returns {number} 有效数据的字节长度
getEffectiveReceiveDataLength({receiveArray}) {
return 20;
Located in modules/bluetooth/lb-example-bluetooth-protocol.js
import {LBlueToothProtocolOperator} from "./lb-ble-common-protocol-operator/index";
import SendBody from "./lb-ble-example-protocol-body/send-body";
import ReceiveBody from "./lb-ble-example-protocol-body/receive-body";
import {ProtocolState} from "./lb-bluetooth-state-example";
* 蓝牙协议管理类
* 在这个类中,以配置的方式来编写读操作和写操作
* 配置方式见下方示例
export const getAppBLEProtocol = new class extends LBlueToothProtocolOperator {
constructor() {
super({protocolSendBody: new SendBody(), protocolReceiveBody: new ReceiveBody()});
* 写操作(仅示例)
getSendAction() {
return {
* 0x01:设置灯色(写操作)
* @param red 0x00 - 0xff
* @param green 0x00 - 0xff
* @param blue 0x00 - 0xff
* @returns {Promise<void>}
'0x01': async ({red, green, blue}) => {
return await this.sendProtocolData({command: '0x01', effectiveData: [red, green, blue]});
* 0x02:设置灯亮度(写操作)
* @param brightness 灯亮度值 0~100 对应最暗和最亮
* @returns {Promise<void>}
'0x02': async ({brightness}) => {
return await this.sendProtocolData({command: '0x02', effectiveData: [brightness, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255]});
* 读操作(仅示例)
* {dataArray}是一个数组,包含了您要接收的有效数据。
* {dataArray}的内容是在lb-ble-example-protocol-body.js中的配置的。
* 是由您配置的 dataStartIndex 和 getEffectiveReceiveDataLength 共同决定的
getReceiveAction() {
return {
* 获取设备当前的灯色(读)
* 可return蓝牙协议状态protocolState和接收到的数据effectiveData,
* 该方法的返回值,只要拥有非空的protocolState,该框架便会同步地通知前端同protocolState类型的消息
* 当然是在你订阅了setBLEListener({onReceiveData})时才会在订阅的地方接收到消息。
'0x10': ({dataArray}) => {
const [red, green, blue] = dataArray;
return {protocolState: ProtocolState.RECEIVE_COLOR, effectiveData: {red, green, blue}};
* 获取设备当前的灯亮度(读)
'0x11': ({dataArray}) => {
const [brightness] = dataArray;
return {protocolState: ProtocolState.RECEIVE_BRIGHTNESS, effectiveData: {brightness}};
* 接收到设备主动发送的灯光关闭消息
* 模拟的场景是,用户关闭了设备灯光,设备需要主动推送灯光关闭事件给手机
'0x12': () => {
return {protocolState: ProtocolState.RECEIVE_LIGHT_CLOSE};
* 接收到蓝牙设备的其他一些数据
'0x13': ({dataArray}) => {
//do something
* 设置灯亮度和颜色
* @param brightness
* @param red
* @param green
* @param blue
* @returns {Promise<[unknown, unknown]>}
async setColorLightAndBrightness({brightness, red, green, blue}) {
return Promise.all([this.sendAction['0x01']({red, green, blue}), this.sendAction['0x02']({brightness})]);
The file is located in modules/bluetooth/lb-bluetooth-state-example.js
import {CommonConnectState, CommonProtocolState} from "./lb-ble-common-state/index";
//在手机接收到蓝牙数据成功或失败后,该框架会生成一条消息,包含了对应的蓝牙协议状态值{protocolState}以及对应的{effectiveData}(effectiveData示例见 lb-example-bluetooth-protocol.js),
const ProtocolState = {
RECEIVE_COLOR: 'receive_color',//获取到设备的颜色值
RECEIVE_BRIGHTNESS: 'receive_brightness',//获取到设备的亮度
RECEIVE_LIGHT_CLOSE: 'receive_close',//获取到设备灯光关闭事件
export {
ProtocolState, CommonConnectState as ConnectState
business | Corresponding folder | Sample file |
Bluetooth connection | lb-ble-common-connection (handling of connection, disconnection, and reconnection events) | abstract-bluetooth.js (the simplest, calling the platform API to connect, disconnect Bluetooth, etc.)base-bluetooth.js (records the deviceId, characteristic value, connection status and other information of the connected device, handles the sending of Bluetooth data and Bluetooth reconnection)base-bluetooth-imp.js (captures Bluetooth connection results, monitors Bluetooth scanning of surrounding devices, connections, and adapter status events and handles them accordingly) |
Assembly of Bluetooth protocol | lb-ble-common-protocol-body (implementation of assembly of protocol transceiver format) | i-protocol-receive-body.js i-protocol-send-body.js |
Transmitting and receiving Bluetooth protocol | lb-ble-common-protocol-operator (agent that handles sending and receiving data) | lb-bluetooth-protocol-operator.js |
Bluetooth protocol retransmission | lb-ble-common-connection | lb-bluetooth-manager.js (see LBlueToothCommonManager for details) |
Bluetooth status and protocol status | lb-ble-common-state | lb-bluetooth-state-example.js , which can additionally expand new states |
Subscriptions for Bluetooth connection and protocol status events | lb-ble-common-connection/base | base-bluetooth-imp.js |
Let’s talk about the distribution of Bluetooth connection and protocol status.
The file is located at lb-ble-common-connection/base/base-bluetooth.js
function set latestConnectState
function callback inside setter
function of getAppBLEManager.setBLEListener
. onBLECharacteristicValueChange
is located in lb-ble-common-connection/abstract-bluetooth.js
is located in lb-ble-common-protocol-operator/lb-bluetooth-protocol-operator.js
In the onBLECharacteristicValueChange
function, after receiving the data, I intercept the valid data according to receive-body.js
, and process the valid data according to the configuration method of getReceiveAction
in lb-example-bluetooth-protocol.js
to produce the corresponding value, protocolState
. filter
is generated when an unknown protocol is received.
onBLECharacteristicValueChange((res) => {
console.log('接收到消息', res);
if (!!valueChangeListener) {
const {value, protocolState, filter} = this.dealReceiveData({receiveBuffer: res.value});
!filter && valueChangeListener({protocolState, value});
This code looks simple, but there are many processes behind it. The most critical thing is this line const {value, protocolState, filter} = this.dealReceiveData({receiveBuffer: res.value});
;. Let me explain in detail what this line of work has done:
function to process the protocol data. dealReceiveData
here is ultimately handed over to the dealReceiveData
function in lb-bluetooth-manager.js
to process the data.this.bluetoothProtocol.receive({receiveBuffer})
in dealReceiveData
to generate valid data and protocol status. This receive
is ultimately executed by the receiveOperation
is executed, it will reference the configuration item getReceiveAction
of the subclass of LBlueToothProtocolOperator
(the subclass is lb-example-bluetooth-protocol.js
finally returns the agreed object {protocolState,effectiveData}
according to the developer's own implementation. After the object is returned to receiveOperation
, it is checked ( protocolState
not configured in getReceiveAction
is processed as CommonProtocolState.UNKNOWN
), and the agreed object is returned to dealReceiveData
Local variables effectiveData, protocolState
in the function.protocolState!==CommonProtocolState.UNKNOWN
will be marked as filter:true
; otherwise, the agreed object will be returned to the local variable value, protocolState
in the onBLECharacteristicValueChange
function.That's all this line of code does.
The agreed object will be passed in as a parameter to valueChangeListener({protocolState, value})
and the callback will be executed. After that, the front end can receive the subscribed events, that is, the protocol type and value
object are received in onReceiveData({protocolState, value})
function of getAppBLEManager.setBLEListener
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