Taro Mortgage Calculator
Taro 3 - MortgageCalculator
From left to right: React Native, Weapp, H5
Multi-terminal (React Native, Weapp, H5) instances developed based on Taro 3
When developing React Native, it is recommended to read the React Native development process and the precautions before developing React Native.
Directory structure:
├── config
├── global.d.ts
├── metro.config.js // Taro 3 RN metro 配置文件
├── package.json
├── project.config.json
├── src
│ ├── app.config.ts
│ ├── app.rn.scss // 针对RN的单独样式
│ ├── app.scss
│ ├── app.ts
│ ├── assets
│ ├── components // 封装的一些多端组件
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── pages
│ └── utils
├── tsconfig.json
└── yarn.lock
This project aims to provide a reference case for the development of multi-terminal applications in Taro 3, encapsulate some components that support multi-terminal, provide ideas and techniques for developing multi-terminal applications, and enable quick development.
React Native | Mini program | H5 |
Android: taroDemo.apk IOS: taroDemo.app (IOS simulator package) | ![]() | ![]() https://wuba.github.io/Taro-Mortgage-Calculator |
yarn dev:rn
locally to print the QR code. Or open the releases page. # clone到本地
git clone https://github.com/wuba/Taro-Mortgage-Calculator.git
# 进去项目根目录
cd Taro-Mortgage-Calculator
# 安装依赖
# 运行RN 默认端口8081
yarn dev:rn
# 运行微信小程序
yarn dev:weapp
# 运行H5
yarn dev:h5