The "Where are my classmates" applet is a map information display applet with exquisite design and excellent experience. It is a more interesting list of classmates. You can check the graduation destination and geographical distribution of your classmates in the mini program, and you can check the number of connections (fans). For a more detailed introduction, please view the article link below.
Related links:
Mini program QR code:
Technology stack:
If you want to perform secondary development on this small program, you can fork this warehouse and clone it locally.
# 克隆项目
$ git clone
# 进入项目目录
$ cd classmate-map
# 切换到开发分支
$ git checkout dev
The mini program uses the Taro v2.2.9 framework and utilizes the mini program cloud development to store data and interact with front and backends.
# 使用 npm 安装 CLI
$ npm install -g @tarojs/cli
# 进入 client 安装项目依赖
$ cd client
$ npm install
Open the cloud development console, create several databases under the db folder, and import json data.
Use the Taro global command to start the project. After compilation, open it directly with the mini program developer tool to preview and debug.
# 调试模式
$ taro build --type weapp --watch
# 编译构建
$ taro build --type weapp
If an error occurs during project compilation, please roll back the Taro version to the specified v2.2.9 version.
If the project is helpful to you, you can click star in the upper right corner.